“I used to spend a lot of time at the aquarium when I was younger,” he said. “I was there on the day it opened up and after that, I used to visit whenever I could.”

“What was your favorite?”

“I always liked the stingrays.”

“Danny, why don’t you take your brother and sisters into the living room,” Roxanne suggested, “and clean up your toys. I’ll wash the dishes and then maybe we’ll watch a movie together.”

“What movie do you want?” Danny asked, turning to Kit.

“Oh, honey, I don’t know if Mr. Lawrence wants to stay for-”

“I do,” Kit interrupted. “I’d love to stay for a movie.”

Danny jumped up from the table, then helped Jenna down from her high chair. They raced off to the living room, Danny insisting that they choose Aladdin and Rachel countering with Beauty and the Beast.

Kit pushed away from the table and picked up his plate and glass. When Roxanne made a move to do the same, he gently pushed her back into her chair. “I’ll clean up. You made dinner. It’s the least I can do.” He glanced around. “Where is the dishwasher?”

“It’s in a box in the basement,” Roxanne said, her face warming with embarrassment. “That’s one of the renovations we never got around to. Actually, it goes pretty fast if one person washes and the other one dries. Rachel and Danny often help me. That’s why we usually use plastic.” She slowly stood and joined him at the sink. “I’m glad you stayed for dinner.”

“So am I. You’re a good cook.”

Roxanne looked up at him, then let her impulses take control. She pushed up on her toes and kissed him, their lips meeting for an instant before she pulled away. But when she did, he moaned softly and caught her mouth again.

The kiss was slow and lazy, warm and deep. Roxanne’s knees went weak, but she didn’t need to worry about falling, since Kit had slipped his hands around her hips and held her tight. But they didn’t stay there. As they kissed, he smoothed his palms along her waist, pushing her sweater up until he met bare skin.

Her breath caught in her throat, then came out in a sigh. It had been so long since she’d been touched, since a man had made her feel this much desire. His hands were gentle, sliding around to the small of her back, then up to the nape of her neck.

She’d never experienced such intense longing, for every sensation. The taste of his tongue and the heat of his hand and just the smell of his cologne was enough to send every rational thought from her head. She wasn’t a mother of four kids or John’s ex-wife anymore. She was the woman Kit Lawrence desired, the woman he couldn’t keep from kissing.

Roxanne liked to believe that she held some kind of power over him, but she knew the opposite was true. With anyone else, she might have been more hesitant, more circumspect. But since that first time he’d kissed her, all Kit had to do was turn his gaze in her direction and a rush of unbidden thoughts would fill her mind, wild, crazy, sexual images. Roxanne had already fantasized about how it would be between them. And now she wanted those fantasies to come to life.

Kit grabbed her waist, then gently lifted her up onto the edge of the counter, setting her down next to the sink. He stepped between her legs and gave her one long kiss, then pressed his forehead to hers. “I’d better get to work.”

“Yes,” she said, breathlessly.

He finished clearing the table, then filled the sink with soapy water. Every few minutes, he’d steal another kiss and Roxanne would oblige. With the kids in the house, she knew it could go no further, but she didn’t care. For now, kissing him was enough.

“So, what’s going on with the contest?” he asked. “Have you heard anything?”

Roxanne shrugged and took a wet plate from his hand. “My sister entered me. She wrote an essay and I guess they judge me on the essay. I don’t know if I have to do anything else, except be a good mother.”

“You’d love Paris,” he murmured.

“Have you been there?”

Kit nodded.

“John always promised we’d go, but we never did. It sounds wonderful, though when it comes right down to it, I’d miss the children. I’ve never been away from them. Your dad has some other prizes set up with the radio station. Those would be nice to win.” She took another plate from him. “But I’m not counting on winning. I’m not even sure why I’m a finalist. Renee must be a better writer than I thought.”

“You’re a great mother,” Kit said. “And this is coming from a guy who grew up with the greatest mother in the world.”

“My mom was great, too. If it weren’t for her, I’m not sure I would have made it through all this. After John left, she lived with us for a couple of months. And my parents are always here for the holidays, so that makes things easier.” She sent him a sideways glance. “You’d make a good father,” she said.

“You think so?”

“You’re really good with my kids. I mean, not that I expect you to be their father.” She fumbled to cover her mistake. “I don’t expect anyone to be their father. I-I don’t know if I’ll ever get married again.”

He seemed surprised by her revelation. “Don’t you think your kids will need a father someday?”

Roxanne frowned. “No father is better than a bad father. One that might walk out on them again. Marriage is a risky proposition as it is. But if I fail at it a second time, it’s not just me who gets hurt.”

“You didn’t fail at your marriage,” Kit said. “Any guy who would walk away from a family like this would have to be crazy.”

Roxanne giggled. “I think he did go a little crazy. He ran away with this huge, muscle-bound woman who throws other muscle-bound women and men around a wrestling ring for a living. She’s got all these tattoos and she wears this tiny little outfit. I don’t know what he sees in her.”

“I don’t know, either,” Kit said. He leaned over and kissed her, gently drawing his tongue along the crease of her lips, then drawing away. “But, for very selfish reasons of my own, I’m glad he saw something.”

KIT SLOWLY OPENED HIS EYES. Daylight filtered through the living room windows. He glanced over at the television and noticed that the morning news shows had started. The weather forecast promised a sunny day with temperatures in the mid-fifties.

With a soft sigh, he turned into the warm body stretched alongside of him on the sofa. He wasn’t sure when they’d fallen asleep, sometime after they’d put the kids to bed and before the late news came on. He usually didn’t sleep so soundly, especially when he was fully dressed and lying next to a beautiful woman. But a day spent chasing Roxanne’s kids around gave him a better workout than the average marathon.

Kit nuzzled his face into her hair, breathing deeply of the scent. He couldn’t think of a better way to start the day than with Roxanne in his arms. Oddly, he’d usually preferred to leave a woman’s bed before dawn, but Kit pulled her closer and closed his eyes. The house was silent and it would probably be a few hours before the kids were up. He’d just catch a little more shut-eye.

But as he pulled her closer, she stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him with a sleepy expression. “Hi,” she murmured.

He brushed a kiss across her mouth. “Morning.”

She snuggled closer and pressed her face into his chest. “What time is it?”


She stiffened, then pushed herself up, instantly wide awake. “You can’t be here,” she said, crawling over top of him and tumbling to the floor.

Kit reached over, concerned that she’d hurt herself, but she brushed his hand away and frantically began to straighten her rumpled clothes. He watched her rake her fingers through her hair then he reached out to pull her back down on top of him, but she deftly avoided his reach.

“Get up,” she said.


“Because the kids will be up in a few seconds.”

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