“Yes, dear: I was counting on it. This way, hopefully the auld bitches won’t be expecting it.”
“Sky Father, give me patience! What did you think you were playing at? We’ve got a war on, in case you hadn’t noticed—”
“Oh, really? And I suppose the sky is a funny non red color, too? I’m not playing, I’m deadly serious: this is more important than your little war.”
“Damn it, woman! Can’t you leave your mother’s embroidery circle alone just this once?”
(Exasperated sigh.) “Who exactly do you think it was that started the war, brother?”
“What—excuse me. You can’t be serious. Do you really expect me to believe that she’s in cahoots with Egon?”
“Absolutely not! It would be beneath her dignity to be in cahoots with anyone below the rank of the Romish Pope-Emperor. But you know, she’s always been opposed to the idea of marrying into the royal family, hasn’t she? ‘Marrying beneath our station,’ indeed. She set up this stupid business with Creon by way of Henryk, in order to provoke Egon. And really, do you believe for a moment that Egon was a real threat to us, absent her maneuvering? She set Helge up as a target while she had me under her proxy’s thumb in Niejwein. If she hadn’t overreached herself I’d still be stuck there.”
“That’s…curiously plausible. Hmm. You said she overreached herself. Do you mean Hildegarde didn’t expect Egon to mount the putsch then and there?”
“I doubt it.” (Pause.) “She wouldn’t have shown her precious nose at the betrothal if she thought it was going to be cut off by the hussars, would she? But her intent was there. I know her schemes, the way her mind works. I think she meant to provoke Egon into doing something stupid, like the way he poisoned his younger brother all those years ago. She doesn’t like Helge, as you might have noticed. After what she did to her sister, do you question her ruthlessness?”
“All right.” (Pause.) “Your mother’s embroidery circle dabbles in dangerous waters, and it is a bad idea to cross them. They’ve stirred up a third of the nobility against us and Egon’s raiders are harrowing the countryside with fire and the sword—at least until we force him to group his army so that we can crush it beneath our boot- heel. As we shall, when the time comes, and make no mistake—they have carronades and musketry, but we have machine guns and radios. But, still. You have not yet explained why you did that thing. You’d best try to explain it to me, and get your story straight—the council will be a much less receptive audience, sister.”
“Alright. You’re not going to like it, though. Between your incredibly foolish machinations and mother- dearest’s scheming, I’ve nearly lost my only child. That’s not all I’ve lost, I’ll concede, but unlike some of our relatives, I hold her dear. If I can get her back, I will move heavens and underworld to do so. That’s the first thing I’d like to remind you of. The second point is—and this had better not be advanced before the council, or we are all lost beyond redemption—your niece knows about the insurance policy, but thanks to Henryk’s stupidity and mother-dearest’s venality, she’s on the outside. If you’d told me what bait you’d used on her, I could have settled things, but oh no—”
“Henryk’s men got to her first. He knows—knew—too, you understand that?”
“I’ve never understood why any of the old assholes should be allowed near the breeding program—”
“Stop and think about it. If we didn’t at least let them observe, they’d have to assume it’s a conspiracy against them. (As indeed it is, but not in such crude terms.) Henryk’s participation was vital, to prevent a new civil war.”
“Still. It’s a delicate matter, you used it as a carrot for Helge to get her teeth into, then you complain when the other donkey in the stable bites her?”
“Enough. We can discuss might-have-beens some other time. But what of the American spy?”
“If you must. When I found out who he was—at first he was an ‘injured clansman,’ you should remember—my first thought was to hang him from the nearest available tree: but it turned out he’d already spoken to her. It was too late.”
“Sky Father, you mean—”
“He was sent here to ‘talk to Miriam.’ He didn’t know where she’d gone after the battle—my guess is, with a Wu family locket, she’s somewhere in New Britain right now—but that’s not the point. She spoke to him. Let me assure you that hanging her ex-boyfriend would be exactly the most effective way to make her turn traitor. She grew up in America, remember. In my opinion, the least damaging option was to spin him a line of disinformation, let his leg fester a bit, then send him back. If we’re really lucky, we’ve got ourselves a back channel all the way to the White House. And if not—well, let’s just say, whoever debriefs him is going to get a usefully skewed view of our politics.”
(Pause.) “That will probably keep the council from demanding your head.”
“I know.” (Pause.) “Now let me draw you a diagram. The Americans have captured world-walkers and worked out how to make them serve. That means they know what they’re dealing with. Helge—being Miriam—is on the run, she knows about the breeding program, and one of their agents has already tried to seduce her. Why haven’t you tried to kill her?”
“She’s my niece. You are not the only one who feels some residual loyalty, Patricia.”
“Rubbish. There’s another reason, isn’t there? Is it something she knows? No? Oh. Something she did, no— the betrothal?”
“Henryk wanted to ensure a fruitful marriage. He was in a hurry. He sent Dr. ven Hjalmar to see to her.”
“Tell me you didn’t…”
“Oh no!”
“Oh yes. It was always going to be a very short betrothal, just long enough for the pregnancy test to be confirmed. And, do you know something? Once we’ve put down the pretender, all the surviving witnesses who were present at the palace will swear that it was, in fact, a lawful marriage ceremony, not just a betrothal.”
“Holy mother of snakes! You’re telling me that with Egon out of the picture, she’s carrying the lawful heir to the throne?”
“Yes. You did ask why I hadn’t issued a death warrant, didn’t you?”
(Pause.) “Angbard, I’ve really got to hand it to you: that is the most crazy, fucked-up, Machiavellian conspiracy I’ve heard of since Watergate.” (Pause.) “Does Hildegarde know?”
(Pause.) “You know, I really hadn’t thought about that.”
“Because as soon as she finds out, she’s going to hit the roof.” (Pause.) “Who did you send after Helge?”
“I sent Lady Brilliana after her. She’s to stop Helge if she shows signs of turning traitor—beyond that, she’s to try to bring her home. Ideally before the pregnancy goes too far.”
“Brilliana? That’s a good choice. Might even be enough, if we’re lucky.”
“Enough? I hardly think Helge will be able to prevent her—”
“I meant, enough to stop the auld bitches’ assassins. If you’ll excuse me, Angbard, I have urgent arrangements to make. Is the prescription I asked for ready yet?”
“It’s in the outer office.”
(Chuckle.) “So you weren’t planning to kill me after all! Admit it!”
“Don’t tempt me. You believe Hildegarde will try to kill Helge?”
“Who said anything about Hildegarde? She’ll be pissed about me having a granddaughter to call my own, especially one who’s an heir and a world-walker, but it’s still her lineage. No, what you’ve really got to worry about are the other members of the old ladies’ embroidery circle and poisoning society. Hmm. Then again, Helge thinking she’s Miriam—thinking she’s an American woman—could really spoil all your plans.”
“I hardly think that changes anything—”
“Really? You’re telling me you’ve never heard of
(Pause.) “Who?”
Miriam found the journey uncomfortable. It wasn’t the compartment, for the seats were padded and the facilities adequate, but the lack of privacy. Of the eight places—there were two bench seats that faced each other across the compartment—she and Erasmus occupied one side. The other was taken by the plump man in the loud coat, sitting beside the window, and a pinch-faced woman of uncertain years who clutched her valise to her lap, her