waiting for her if she went south again. 'I'm sorry, I must stay here.'

'I could arrange for my bookkeeper to help Molly.'

'No, thank you.' Perry didn't want to think about what Wade would do if she arrived in North Carolina on Hunter's arm.

The strong set of her chin told Hunter she wouldn't change her mind. She was as stubborn as she was beautiful, and if he was honest, she was probably safer here. 'Then I'll see you upon my return.' He stood slowly, too proud to ask again.

As she stood, she brushed dangerously close to him. He closed his eyes as he breathed in the sweet, honeylike smell of her. Last night he'd wanted her, but today she seemed as vital to his life as air. His voice was suddenly low, speaking his mind. 'You will be in my thoughts and dreams until I return.'

She looked into his gray eyes, now clouded with desire. A deep yearning filled her, yet she held back, wanting more from him than just his passion.

Luke's loud knock shattered the moment. He poked his head in and shouted, 'Beggin' your pardon, miss, but Molly needs you bad in the kitchen.'

'I'll be right there,' Perry answered as Luke withdrew. Turning to Hunter, she whispered, 'Give my love to your grandparents and tell them my prayers will be with them. I'll see you when you return.' On impulse she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. A heartbeat later she was out of his reach and vanishing from his sight.

Hunter stood alone for several minutes, thinking over all they'd said to each other. How could he keep his promise not to touch her? If shed stayed another moment, he would have crushed her to him. Maybe it was good that they would be apart. How else could he get this summer storm of a woman out of his blood? Out of his mind? Out of his heart?

Chapter 28

Shouts rattled from the back of the house as Perry ran down the stairs. A scream echoed through the hallway, quickening her steps toward the kitchen, fear mixed with concern for Molly. With only a moment's delay Perry stopped at the en try way table and pulled one of the dueling pistols from its hiding place. If she was going to face danger, she didn't plan on doing so unarmed.

When she reached the kitchen, Luke was blocking the door to the storage room. Molly's shouts filled the kitchen with colorful language.

'What is it?' Perry peeked around Luke.

Molly stood in a pile of ruined supplies. 'Someone broke in last night.' She lifted a handful of sugar mixed with coffee. 'They cut the bags on all our dry goods.' Perry stepped aside as a stream of syrup passed by, and Molly continued. 'It was them nephews, I just know it. I had a feeling we hadn't seen the last of them.'

'But when?'

'Probably while we were upstairs. They couldn't run me out by frightening me to death, so now they're planning on starving us out.'

Perry lifted an empty bag of flour. She'd learned during the war not to spend energy crying over what had already happened. 'We don't have much time. Molly, make a list of everything we need. I'll go change, then Luke and I will go shopping.'

'All right, but when the sheriff gets here, I'm adding this to their crimes. Killing an old partner in the slave trade is one thing, but destroying good food… well, that's quite another.''

Within an hour Perry's boots were tapping along the wooden steps toward the market. Luke followed closely in her wake, swinging a large basket under one arm. They had only an hour to buy the items on her list and return home in time to cook everything for tonight. Luckily the streets were packed with carts and merchants displaying their wares. Many were local farm families who traveled into town once a week to sell their crops and buy supplies.

Most of the farmers had no special market cart but merely sold out of their wagons. To disguise the drab work wagons the farmers often hung colorful ribbons from the sideboards, making the marketplace seem festive and gay. As husbands sold their goods, wives visited with their neighbors, and the children played chase, threading their way in and out among all the people.

After half an hour of shopping, she sighed. 'That's everything but the coffee, Luke.'

Luke smiled from beneath his cumbersome load. 'That's good, I'm about ready to start back.'

Perry was aware of Luke's slower pace. She knew if she'd stopped for more than a moment at any one stand, he would've fallen asleep while still standing. 'I'll get the coffee and catch up with you within a block. You go ahead and start home.' Perry smiled up at him, wondering if he'd even been to bed the night before.

Luke turned, juggling the purchases in his arms. She watched him move slowly away and knew she would have no trouble catching up with him. Lifting her skirt a few inches to move more freely, she hurried across the street to a store where Molly always bought spices and coffee.

As she opened the door into the shop the owner greeted her warmly. 'Welcome, Miss Perry. What can I do for you today?'

Standing for a time in the doorway, she let her eyes adjust to the shop's darker interior. The old store had an almost cavelike atmosphere, with blinds pulled closed and dark bags lining the walls and hanging from the ceiling. Moving inside, the wonderful aroma of spices met her. The old shopkeeper's skin was the color of ground cinnamon, and his voice belied a foreign origin. 'May I have five pounds of coffee beans, please, Samuel?' Perry placed a coin on the counter.

'Yes, miss.' The owner moved to scoop the dark brown beans into a bag.

Perry wandered behind a counter, reading the labels more clearly and loving the smells that seemed to seep through the pores of even the wood and glass that housed each spice. As she scanned the shelves a shadow fell between her and the sunshine as someone stepped into the doorway. Samuel greeted the new customer as Perry glanced up with only mild curiosity.

She felt his evil presence even before the light shone on his face. As her gaze moved down his lean, wiry body a sense of dread turned to fright in her stomach. He was dressed in dark riding clothes and highly polished boots pulled to his knee. His wrist impatiently slapped a gold-handled riding whip against his pant leg as he squinted, peering into the darkness.

Perry's eyes widened in fear as Wade Williams's stare fell upon her. His face blanched slightly when he found himself face-to-face with a ghost. 'Perry…' His mouth whispered what his eyes would not accept.

She watched the disbelief in his tired eyes slowly ebb away as anger fired within him. His face reddened, except for the small scar over one eye, which grew milky white, like the moon in a midnight sky. For the hundredth time she wished that Hunter had killed Wade and not just scarred him. His hands now clenched into fists as his shoulders rose and fell between jagged breaths. He fought to control his anger and shock.

Samuel broke the heavy silence. 'You the Captain Williams that sent word for me to pack a travel portion of that special coffee?'

Wade glanced at Samuel as if he hadn't understood a word the man had said.

Perry took advantage of Wade's shock and confusion. She lifted her skirt high and darted past him, her coffee beans completely forgotten. His hand grabbed the air only a hair's breadth away from her shoulder and she passed.

Darting like a child between the colorful stands, she mixed in and out of the mob of people along the side of the street. She was afraid to look back, terrified she might see his black-gloved hand reaching toward her. He was always in control in public, but she'd seen him slipping just now, and she didn't want to risk being within his grip again. She guessed it must be hard for him to maintain a sane pose when insanity bubbled in his blood.

Terror throbbing in her throat, she ran for several blocks before darting behind the stores and reversing her direction. She was in clear view one minute, then disappeared from sight around a corner or between two carts.

When Perry was sure she hadn't been followed, she turned toward home. She caught up to Luke just as he crossed the street to Molly's house. Luke glanced back, hearing her steps, a smile ready to greet her, but one look

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