came alive in thought. Many times during her life her survival had hinged on her ability to think fast. Now the talent jumped into action like a horse ready to run full out.

'I've got my gun, and with your dueling pistols I can stop him and his friends.' Perry's voice snowed more confidence than she felt. She paced back and forth as Molly looked around the room thoughtfully. The old woman folded her arms over her breasts and patted her elbows, as if encouraging herself to think.

'No, you can't go out in the dark shootin' nobody. First off, we don't know how many men he's got out there, and second, they might shoot back.' Molly plopped on the bed and planted her chin firmly on her fat fist. 'We gotta get you outa here.'

'How?' Perry asked with interest. 'He's probably got someone watching the front door.''

'I know he does. When I was comin' up a few minutes ago, I glanced out to see if the sheriff's man was still there. He was gone, but another man stood boldly watching the front door. He was a ragged lowlife varmint, and from the way he patted his gun handle he was just lookin' for a fight. I was gonna tell Luke to scare him off before he robbed one of the customers.' Molly scratched her chin. 'I'll see to Luke later-his head's plenty hard enough to take one whack. First we gotta get you safe and away from here.'

Perry was pacing, feeling like a caged animal. If Molly hadn't stopped her, she would've faced Wade here and now. It would have been foolish-two women and three guns were no match for who knows how many men. She was willing to risk her own life to fight Wade, but it wouldn't be fair to put Molly in more danger.

In the typical fashion of a woman who'd spent most of her time alone, Molly continued thinking aloud. 'Way I see it, there's just one way out, and that's with a ruckus. You can figure that man out front is watchin' for a lady to leave. Wade Williams has probably told him just what you look like. So we got to make such a ruckus, he doesn't notice who you are.'

'What!' Perry exclaimed, totally lost from Molly's logic.

'Years before the war, I used to work in a house full of girls. We traveled around some, and not all places welcomed us. Ever' now and then a mob of righteous citizens would storm us and put an end to our night's work. I soon figured out that if I just threw on my cape and walked out the front door, no one usually bothered me. They was too busy chasin' the girls crawlin' out the windows and under the beds.'

Molly giggled. 'Tonight, little lady, we gonna do the same thing for you. You change into some travelin' clothes. Then pack a big bag only half full. I'll be back in a minute.'

Molly left in a flurry of instructions. For several seconds Perry stared at the door through which she'd vanished. There was the possibility that Molly had completely lost her mind, but for lack of a better idea, Perry followed her instructions. A plan, even a crazy one, was better than none.

Within five minutes Molly was back. She waddled in, locking the door behind her. A bright red cape lay over her arm. Perry could tell, even in the poorly lit room, that the cape was cheap and gaudy, as well as being none too clean.

'Are you packed?' Molly asked as she threw the cape down on the bed.

'Yes,' Perry answered as she slipped her small knife into her skirt pocket.

'Good.' Molly let out a long breath before continuing. 'I sent one of the girls down to the corner to get a carriage. There's usually one for hire this time of night. Our fella's still outside watching, but it's gettin' good 'n' dark, so he won't be able to see clearly.'

She lifted Perry's half-filled bag and handed it to her. 'Hold your bag close and I'll tie it to you. It would be a dead giveaway if he saw a lady leaving with a bag. But if I strap it around you and put the cape over you, you'll look like a fat little whore.'

Perry gasped in surprise at Molly's plan, but she held the bag tightly as Molly tied it around her middle with a few of Perry's ribbons.

Ten minutes later both women stood at the top of the stairs. Molly gave Perry one last hug. 'You take care of yourself and write when you're safe. I may not be able to read, but I'll know you're fine when I get the letter.'

Tears formed in Perry's huge eyes. 'You be careful here. I'll send the police as soon as I get away, but don't misjudge Wade.'

'I'll be fine. You've no cause to worry about me.' Molly lifted the ugly cape hood over Perry's hair and pulled it low. 'Throw this thing away when you're finished with it. That part of my life is over.'

'I'll be back,' Perry promised, wondering if she spoke the truth. 'I love you, Molly.'

Tears bubbled from Molly's eyes and crisscrossed down the wrinkles on her cheeks. 'I never had no children, but if I had, I wouldn't have loved them more than I do you, child.'

Both women hugged once more, then silently agreed the time was at hand. They moved together down the stairs. As they reached the last step Molly grabbed Perry's arm and shoved her toward the front door.

As they stepped out into the night air, Perry held her head low so no one could see her face. She knew that as soon as she could get away, Molly would be safer.

Molly propelled Perry toward the waiting carriage. She yelled in a gruff voice, 'You get yourself outa my house! I runs a respectable place here and I won't have any of your kind drummin' up business inside my place.'

Perry stepped into the carriage as Molly continued yelling and pushing. Molly shouted at the driver, 'Take this trash back where she belongs! I never want to see the likes of her again!'

Glancing out the carriage window, Perry saw Molly standing with her feet wide apart and her hands set on her ample hips. Aware that she was watching, she yelled all the louder, 'I don't wanna see your face again, you trash!' Perry knew her meaning and pulled the hood lower over her head.

The man Molly had described was laughing from across the street, but he didn't move as the carriage pulled away from the house. He made no attempt to stop Perry or to report her leaving. Perry laughed, for she knew Molly's plan had worked.

The carriage traveled through the streets swiftly as Perry untied her bag from around her waist and removed the red cape from her shoulders, revealing a blue cape of her own. She shoved the red cape under the seat and leaned forward to direct the driver.

When they stopped at the sheriff's office, the driver seemed in shock as he watched a slim young woman step from the carriage. He looked inside for the old fat lady he'd picked up, but there was no sign of her. Scratching his head, he mumbled something about having too much to drink as Perry politely told him to wait for her.

She caught the sheriff just as he was leaving his office for the night. He was happy to stop and talk with such a lovely young lady as she begged him to go to Molly's aid. She described Wade and his gang as robbers. After having just solved a major crime, the sheriff was anxious to assist. It was not every day that he put two killers in jail, thanks to Old Henry's letter to Molly. The talk of Henry's partner being murdered and his body left in the attic was all about town, and the sheriff welcomed the attention. This next problem might add even more color to his stories.

As the sheriff helped Perry back into the carriage he assured her he would round up ten men and be at Molly's side within the hour.

Turning her brightest smile toward him, she asked one last favor. 'I would greatly appreciate it if you would keep a close eye on Molly. Should she need anything, please contact Hunter Kirkland's house.'

Surprise showed on the sheriff's face. 'She's a friend of Mr. Kirkland?'

Perry didn't miss the respect in his tone when he said Hunter's name. She decided a lie might provide added protection for Molly. 'Yes, she's very dear to him, and he would be very upset should something happen to her. I'll tell him you will see to it nothing does.'

'Thank you, miss.' The sheriff beamed. 'You tell Mr. Kirkland I'll watch after her as if she were my own mother.''

The sheriff hurried to do his job as Perry waved the driver on. They moved through the streets toward the dock. A tear slowly drifted down her cheek as she thought of Molly. She would miss the dear old woman. Quietly she mumbled the last words the sheriff had said. '… as if she were my own mother.''

A few minutes later Perry stepped from the carriage. After paying the driver she moved along the docks in search of the West Wind. Even in the moonlight she recognized the familiar lines and walked the plank to board. She hadn't known' Hunter owned this ship when she'd last sailed.

A guard moved in her path as she stepped onto the ship. 'May I be of some service, miss?' he asked politely.

'Yes, you sail in the morning, right?' Perry asked, keeping her hood low. It would be better if no one knew who she was, though she doubted any of the crew would remember her from months ago. On that first voyage she'd

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