‘‘I was waiting to be invited.’’ Winter moved his hands gently around her waist. ‘‘Is that what you’re offering now?’’

‘‘You’re my husband, if only for a while,’’ she whispered against his hair. ‘‘You don’t need an invitation to your own bedroom. How can I get used to you if I only see you a few minutes at breakfast each morning? If you don’t climb the stairs, how would we ever find a minute alone together?’’

‘‘I have a lot on my mind.’’ Win moved his hands along her sides. ‘‘Though I’m having trouble remembering any of it at the moment.’’

Kora moved closer until his head rested against her chest. ‘‘We don’t need much time, only a little to get to know each other.’’

She knew she was being bold. He might shove her away and think her foolish. Except for a few times when he’d kissed her, Win had shown little interest in wanting her. But she’d seen the way he looked at her and was willing to bet a desire was building in him as it had been in her since that first night.

Running her fingers deep into his hair, she tugged until he leaned his head back. She kissed him lightly on his mouth and stepped a few inches away. ‘‘I’m not sure how this works since my first husband was dead on arrival, but I think I want you to touch me.’’

Win couldn’t believe what she was saying. This shy mouse of a woman he’d married was starting to roar. ‘‘Where?’’ he asked.

‘‘All over,’’ she answered. ‘‘I’ll not undress outside my bedroom, but I’d like not to jump when you touch me. So I think it would be a good place to start if you put your hands on me.’’ She swallowed. ‘‘Anywhere you like.’’

Placing her fingers on his shoulders, she straightened in front of him. ‘‘Isn’t that how people who want to know each other better start getting used to each other?’’

Win laughed. ‘‘Not in any civilization I know of. But I’m not about to ask Logan or argue with your plan. Are you sure you want me to touch you, really touch you?’’

Kora lifted her chin. ‘‘Yes.’’

‘‘Why?’’ he whispered as his large hands moved to her waist.

‘‘Because…’’ She swallowed. How could she put it into words? She admired him more than she had any man. Not because he owned this ranch, or was strong and honest. Not because he’d stayed with their bargain when any other man would have thrown her out. Not because, despite all his armor, he was as lonely as she. She wanted him to touch her because he made her feel like she belonged in the circle of his arms. He was gentle and kind and tender beyond anything she’d ever dreamed a man could be. ‘‘When I’m gone,’’ she whispered, ‘‘I want to remember your touch.’’

For a long while he didn’t move. Kora could feel her heart trying to break through her chest, but she couldn’t say more. She’d made the offer; now she’d wait.

Finally he raised his hand to her throat. Slowly he moved his fingers over the material of her cotton blouse. She could feel him hesitate as if he thought she might pull away. But she didn’t move.

His hands glided along her arms, then to her waist. The layers of material kept her from feeling the warmth of his touch as his fingers moved lower over her hips. Then slowly he slid his hands back to her middle and up until he passed over her breasts. The action was slow, calculated, almost impersonal.

He repeated the action.

Kora let out a sound as she felt the weight of his palms over her breasts. The cotton barred his warmth. She hoped he couldn’t feel her trembling, but she wanted to grow accustomed to his touch… anywhere on her body. It seemed only reasonable if she was planning to sleep beside him. And sleep with him she would before she left for California. Jamie might be destined to have many lovers in her life, but Kora would have only one. This one.

But the feel of a man’s hand was something she never thought she’d experience. For some reason fate had given her this one good chance, and she planned to play it out.

‘‘Again, please,’’ she whispered, knowing that in the years to come she’d need this memory.

‘‘Are you sure, Kora?’’

‘‘I’m sure,’’ she answered. ‘‘Move your hands over me once more.’’ She thought she’d find the action unpleasant, but she didn’t in the least.

He slid his hands into her hair and pulled the strands free of pins. He watched her hair fall, then brushed over it lightly as it fell over her shoulders and back.

‘‘More?’’ he questioned, his voice now very low.

‘‘Please,’’ she answered.

With a sudden impatience he pulled her mouth down to his. The kiss was warm, hungry. He pushed her mouth open and tasted her, shocking her with his boldness.

When she shook with near panic, he held her head with one hand and stroked her back with the other. But he didn’t lighten the kiss. He seemed starved for the taste of her, and now that she offered, no reins would be pulled. He was free to let her see just how deeply he longed to touch her.

As she finally relaxed and accepted his kiss, he moved his hand through her hair, gently turning her head to fill his desire. The strokes along her back grew longer until he covered her hips with each passing. When his hands formed over her hips, his kiss grew bold and fiery with need, taking his pleasure, giving her a hunger for more.

Kora felt herself shake with sudden passion. She’d never dreamed a kiss could be so consuming. He moved his fingers along her jaw and tugged her mouth open wider. The more he tasted, the more his longing seemed to grow.

Bracing herself against his shoulders, she took the full wave of his desire, feeling as though she were swimming in fire.

He was all she’d ever know of passion. And all she ever wanted. When she’d begged to be touched, she had no idea that his touch, or his kiss, could be so complete.

‘‘More,’’ she whispered, suddenly wanting to know how deep this well of passion in him was.

He didn’t answer with words, but with action.

For a while she was so lost in the kiss that she didn’t feel his hands caressing her body once more. Warming her though the layers. They grew bolder, more sure of their path, as his fingers gently slid over the worn cotton of her dress.

She whispered his name within the kiss as he pulled her hard against him. The smell of leather and dust and Winter surrounded her. She could feel his need for her even through their clothing. His strong hands rocked her against him as his mouth devoured her. She could taste the passion and longing he had for her, and the knowledge excited her even more. This strong powerful man filled with so much passion had waited to be invited.

When he ended the kiss suddenly, Kora leaned back, drinking in air. Her mind was whirling, and a fever seemed to be pulsing though her, making her feel more alive than she’d ever felt.

‘‘Is that what you wanted?’’

‘‘Yes,’’ she answered, suddenly realizing it was far more than she even thought to want. ‘‘And you?’’

‘‘No,’’ he whispered. ‘‘I need more.’’

‘‘The invitation’s open,’’ she whispered.

He pulled her back to him, only now he buried his face between her breasts. His hands ventured up her sides, pressing her mounds against his face, seeming to need to feel her with more than just his hands.

When she sighed in pleasure, he raised his head in question.

A slow smile spread across his face as their eyes met.

Without a word he kissed her again. Now she leaned into him as his mouth moved softly over her tender lips and his hands slowly opened and closed around her breasts. His passionate kisses before had made her mouth feel raw, sensitive so that now even the light kisses were wildly felt. He gently pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and tasted it, and she knew she would deny this man nothing.

His hands crossed over her as if they’d always had the right to do so. His tongue touched the corner of her mouth until she smiled, opening her lips to his kiss. And kiss her he did, soft and hard, gentle and rough, fast and slow.

Finally he turned her in his embrace and wrapped his arms around her while pulling her full length against him.

‘‘Are you accustomed to my touch now?’’ he whispered into her hair.

Kora couldn’t answer. Nothing had ever prepared her for how he’d touched her. Nothing had prepared her for how she’d reacted. When she’d asked him to touch her, she’d expected a light brushing of his fingers over her,

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