Looking only ahead, Ari made her way to the huge doors, then stood impatiently as Rachel and Lia stepped ahead of her and began the long, stately walk down the aisle.

When they were finally in view of the altar, Ari’s breath left her in a trembling sigh. Shane was there beside his best friend, looking devastating. But Ari’s eyes were only on one man — the man she would stay beside for the rest of all time.

Ari’s steps faltered as Rafe mouthed I love you to her when she was still several feet away.

With her eyes filled with happy tears, she quickened her step, breaking time with the wedding march. She was unwilling to wait any longer to hold his hand in this sacred moment, to look deep into his eyes and take him as hers forever.

“I love you, too,” she whispered as he lifted his arm and caressed her cheek.

Forgetting about what she was supposed to do, Ari lifted her arms and placed them around his neck, leaning against him as she lifted her head. He quickly accommodated her, and bent down, taking her lips in a soft kiss that had her knees trembling.

The priest cleared his throat and the audience laughed softly, as Ari reluctantly pulled back and a blush stole over her cheeks. She turned to look at the man who would preside over the wedding, without an inkling of remorse for having tasted Rafe’s sweet kiss a little too soon.

“Now that the kiss is out of the way, we can begin,” the man said in a beautiful accent and with a sparkle in his eyes. “We are gathered here today…”

The ceremony flashed by in a blur, both Ari and Rafe repeating vows as they promised to love, honor and obey each other. She didn’t miss the mischievous grin on Rafe’s face as she repeated the word obey. She was sure he’d specifically asked the priest to leave it in her vows and to add it to his.

They would just have to see who obeyed whom more, she thought.

Now you may kiss your bride,” the priest told Rafe with a light chuckle, and Rafe didn’t hesitate, pulling Ari into his arms.

After a few heartbeats, he drew back and looked into her eyes. “I’m a very lucky man, Mrs. Palazzo.”

“And I am one lucky woman, Mr. Palazzo,” she said, holding him tight, and praying this wasn’t just a dream.

“Mmm, how soon do you think we can ditch the party and leave for our honeymoon?” he asked, his hand resting low on her back and sending a myriad of chills through her body.

“Right now?” she asked hopefully.

The look in his eyes told her he might just whisk her away.

“Not a chance, lover boy,” Shane whispered from behind as he nudged the two of them to take their walk down the aisle as man and wife.

Rafe sent an irritated look his best friend’s way, but then he turned back toward Ari, releasing her body only to grab her hand.

Leading her down the aisle, he whispered in her ear just before they left the church. “I can’t wait to enforce the obey part of our vows.”

Ari gasped and looked around. But she turned back to him and said, “And neither can I. Get ready.”

Oh, this would be one very passionate honeymoon.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Congratulations, Rafe. I’m happy for you,” Shane said, then took a deep draft from his bottle of beer and clapped his best friend on the shoulder. It was good that Rafe had found “The One.” Now, if only he could convince Lia that the two of them were meant to be together forever, life would be perfect — complete even. “This has been one hell of a party. The king really knows how to pull off an event on a short notice,” he added with a laugh.

Rafe wasn’t thrilled to allow any praise to go to Adriane, not after what the man had done. Nevertheless, he had to soften just the tiniest bit because it was obvious that his sister had feelings for the man. Still, the creep shouldn’t have forced her to stay.

The direction of Rafe’s thoughts brought on the return of a twinge of guilt that pierced his heart. What he’d put Ari through that first year of their relationship. How could he have been such a fool?

But that was in the past. They’d both moved on, and there was no use in dredging up the bad memories. He had the rest of his life to make it up to her — and make it up to her he would indeed.

“When do you leave again, Shane?” he asked. Rafe would rather talk of that than voice his opinions about Adriane and his sister, or about this lavish event, one he hadn’t asked for.

“I’m on leave for an undetermined amount of time right now. The last mission didn’t go well,” Shane said, tensing as he thought about the friend and teammate he’d lost.

“Maybe it’s time to retire,” Rafe remarked.

“I’m considering it,” Shane had to say.

Rafe was taken back. He looked up at his friend and noticed the stress behind his eyes. This was something new.

“Does this have anything to do with Lia?”

“Yes and no. I want to be with Lia — like a ‘white picket fence, two dogs and some rug rats running around’ kind of being with her — but I wouldn’t make a decision like this solely because of a woman, not even a woman I care the world about. I think the old job has just lost its appeal. Caring about someone so much has put the dangers into perspective. I think I may want to just focus on my businesses, and let go of being GI Joe,” he said with a forced laugh.

Rafe knew better than to accept the joke. But he also knew he couldn’t push his friend. Though Shane was obviously going through some sort of private hell, it was also obvious that he had to deal with it on his own. Rafe would be there when and if Shane was ready to talk about it, but only then.

The two men looked silently out across the crowd. Rafe sought out Ari, who was gossiping in the corner with Lia and Rachel. Shane was looking in the same direction, but his eyes were all for Lia.

Rafe could feel for his friend. Not being with Ari every day had been rough. At least that problem was solved. She was now his wife and he would prove to her every single day that she’d made the right decision.

Even so, he had to admit, a fight now and then could lead up to some incredibly good makeup sex. Just the thought had his body stirring as he anticipated all their nights together.

Let the honeymoon begin!

Snagging a passing waiter, the two men set their empty bottles on his tray and grabbed cold replacements. It had taken some doing, but Rafe had managed to get some good beer ordered for the reception, much to the king’s disapproval. Yes, the party was nice, but it was just about time to be alone with his bride. He couldn’t wait to strip off her exquisite wedding gown, and what was on underneath...the latter with his teeth.

It was like Christmas and his birthday all rolled into one. Shaking those thoughts away before he got himself into trouble, he turned back to face his friend.

“You know, I’m here anytime,” Rafe said. Neither of them was good at sharing emotions, but he’d been there for Shane in the past when things had gone wrong on the field and Shane had needed to vent.

Shane turned toward his friend.

He didn’t think he was ready to talk about it. Not yet.

“I know, Rafe. But today is your wedding day and you should stay focused on that bride of yours. If I were you, I’d be over there claiming her right now.” Shane sent a wink Rafe’s way, followed by a smile, though Rafe could easily see past the cocky facade.

He didn’t call him on it.

“I think you are right, my man. It’s time for a dance,” Rafe said, punching Shane in the shoulder before draining his bottle and setting it aside.

As Shane watched Rafe walk toward Ari, eagerness evident in his every step, he let out a sigh. When would

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