Chapter Thirty-Two

Adriane didn’t like to ask for help.

It went against everything he believed in. He was the king. He was respected and revered. He shouldn’t have to ask anyone to help him.

But Rachel obviously wasn’t cooperating at the moment, so that left him with little choice but to suck up some of his pride. He spotted Ari alone, which was a miracle, since her newly minted husband hadn’t seen fit to remove himself from her side most of the day.

He was going to go for it.

“Hello, Ari. I hope the day has been pleasant for you,” he said after he’d made a quiet approach.

“Oh, Adriane, you startled me,” she gasped as she took the glass of champagne from her lips.

“I’m sorry; that wasn’t my intention. Are you enjoying yourself?” He hated to waste time on pleasantries, but trying to soften her up.

“It’s been absolutely lovely, Adriane. I really appreciate all that you’ve done to make the day special,” she said in all sincerity.

“Wonderful. Would you mind taking a walk with me? I would like to speak with you alone,” he asked, offering his arm.

Ari hesitated for only the briefest of moments before accepting. As they walked outside, she looked him straight in the eye. He found it highly disconcerting. Could she see his very soul, if he had one? Though Adriane didn’t squirm, he found himself wanting to.

“How is life treating you as king?” Ari asked as they reached an ornate water fountain, the sounds of its cascading waters soothing in the twilight.

“All is well,” he said, his standard answer. Her eyebrows rose as she waited for him to continue. “Mostly, it is wonderful. I love my kingdom, love my people. Of course, I am responsible for a great deal,” he had to admit. There was a lot on his shoulders. Most of the time, it wasn’t a burden, but while dealing with this strange situation with Rachel, it was all a little bit much. Add to that his problems with Gianni, who had been strangely quiet the last couple of weeks, and he was about as highly strung as he could possibly be right now.

That his brother was not making a move was more frightening than his threats had been. The man wouldn’t just disappear — Adriane knew that — which left him wondering what Gianni was plotting next.

How he would love to have nothing more to focus on except for his business ventures. In years past, before his father’s final illness, Adriane had been carefree, worried only about making a few billion more to add to his and his country’s portfolios.

He missed that rush.

“It won’t take long for my husband to seek me out, so why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind,” Ari said.

Adriane was impressed with this best friend of Rachel’s. Ari had grown since he’d first met her; she now oozed confidence and faced challenges head-on. She was a good match for Rafe. Adriane wondered whether he and Rafe would ever again share an easy friendship, the way they had before Adriane had met Rachel. At the moment, it seemed doubtful.

“How do I make Rachel see there is no other choice but for us to marry?” he asked. If she was going to be blunt, then so was he.

Instead of being horrified by his words, Ari laughed, a deep, highly amused laugh. Adriane wasn’t sure whether he should be offended. He was pouring his heart out and she was almost doubling over with laughter.

“I’m sorry, Adriane,” she gasped in between giggles while she tried to pull herself together.

Should he just walk away? It was obvious he wasn’t going to get any information from the woman. He turned to do so and her hand shot out and grabbed his arm.

“I really am sorry. It’s just so like a man to put a question that way. Can’t you see that women don’t work like that? You kidnapped her, told her she had no other choice but to marry you, and then you haven’t given her a reason to want to stay. Do you care about her?”

Her giggles stopped and she looked at him closely once again. Adriane didn’t want his soul under her microscope. That was closed, to everyone.

“Of course I care about her and my children,” he said stiffly.

When Ari continued staring him down, Adriane found himself wanting to loosen his tie.

“I think you do care, Adriane. You’d be a fool not to, for Rachel is a very special person. I will tell you this — she won’t stay for anything less than love. If you want her to accept your proposal, then you have to give her a reason to do so.” Ari didn’t blink once as she threw out her challenge.

“Love is messy and unnecessary. There are better reasons for us to marry — the two babies she carries, for one,” he said.

“That’s not a good reason, Adriane. That would only lead to dissatisfaction and a feeling of being trapped. You have to love each other, be passionate, and like being in the same room together. Marriage is about more than convenience,” she warned.

“Arranged marriages have worked for centuries,” he pointed out. “Millennia, in fact.”

“That was duty, not love, and the world was a different place. Women had little choice, you know. But now they do. I know Rachel, Adriane, and she would die a little bit more each and every day if she married you for the sake of her children and nothing else.”

“I disagree. I think without messy emotions, a marriage has a far stronger chance of surviving.” He wasn’t about to give up on his beliefs.

“Why did you come to me and ask my advice if you’re unwilling to listen to what I have to say?”

That was a good question. Why had he come to her? He didn’t need her approval, or anyone’s approval for that matter, to move forward. He was just tired of hitting brick walls with Rachel. The two of them needed to wed — and he needed her lying beneath him. He was just trying to speed the process up.

“You are her best friend. I thought you might be able to make her see reason,” he answered.

Again, Ari laughed. “Oh, Adriane. You are in for a world of hurt if you maintain that attitude. I hope you figure this all out before it’s too late,” she said.

The worst part was the sympathy in her expression. Adriane didn’t need anyone’s sympathy. He was the king of Corythia! That meant something. Didn’t it?

“This will work. She will see reason,” he insisted. He and Ari were just going in circles.

“I hope it does work out, but I have a feeling you’re up for a bit more heartache, because you are just so damn stubborn — a lot like my husband, actually. But the thing is, Adriane, it just doesn’t matter. The more you fight it, the harder you will fall. I’m sorry for what you are going through, but you honestly need to pull your head out before it’s too late,” she warned.

“I don’t need your sympathy,” he said.

“Yes, you do,” Ari told him, and squeezed his arm. She gave him one more pitying look and then she sauntered confidently away, leaving him alone outside.

What was he going to do about his spitfire fiancee? And, yes, she was his fiancee, whether she wanted to accept that or not.

Dropping down on the edge of the fountain, he listened to the tranquil sound of the water flowing behind him as he tried to decide his next move.

A determined glint suddenly entered his eyes and he stood back up. It was time they came head to head.

He was going to make her his again. That would cut through everything. If the two of them had one thing right together, it was chemistry.

Adriane had to remind Rachel exactly how good the two of them were together. He’d make her remember.

He marched inside the castle with a purpose and a smile of anticipation. Tonight was going to satisfy them both!

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