Chapter Thirty-Four

“Sir, I think the king has had a…um…a breakdown.”

Nico sent a withering stare at the servant as he waited for the man to go on. “Do not forget you are speaking about your king,” Nico warned him.

“Well, it’s just that the king is in the throne room…” the man started.

“And?” Nico asked, though he wondered what Adriane might be doing there.

“Um, it’s just that he’s in there pacing and talking to himself. No one but the cleaning staff has been in there in months. No ceremonies, no reason for him to be in there.”

“The king can be in any part of his palace he chooses to be in. I had best not hear of you spreading rumors,” Nico said before dismissing the servant.

Nico walked down the palace hallways to check on his king. What in the world was going on now?

* * *

Adriane paced his throne room — alone — by choice.

He’d growled at everyone when he’d been in his offices to get out and then he’d wandered the palace, finding himself in front of the ornate doors leading to the grand throne room. Walking inside, he’d looked at the cold room with its high-backed thrones, gold decorative walls and little else. This was a place for ceremonies, the place his wife would be crowned queen. That thought had stirred his blood. If she became queen. He’d remained in the room ever since, for almost two hours, while he came up with the details of how he was going to get Rachel into his bed.

He wasn’t going to beg — he’d done enough of that. He was going to seduce, though so far that had failed as well. Maybe he was going insane; he just didn’t know anymore. Damn. Their time in Florida wasn’t this complicated. It wasn’t complicated at all. He’d asked her to dinner, planned on a night of hot sex, and had gotten a week instead. Now, he was pacing like a madman in a place of formal ceremonies and talking to himself.

Adriane laughed aloud, the sound echoing off the walls.

That’s it. He was losing it — really losing it. It was a good thing his staff couldn’t see him right now.

Why couldn’t his time with Rachel be just as easy as it had been back in Florida?

He didn’t think he was asking for too much.

Finally finished with sulking on his own, he grabbed some of the fresh-cut flowers that were in a vase on a nearby table and made his way from the room.

He knew how to seduce; he just hadn’t been putting in enough effort. A good king knew such things. Seduction was the essence of diplomacy, after all.

As he made his journey to her room, no nerves assailed him, no doubts of his victory this time.

Granted, his desire to have her like him as a person puzzled him. To have her love him, too? He wasn’t going there. He didn’t need her affection; her compliance was enough — well, that and her lying beneath him. He wasn’t going to be married without reaping the benefits of hot sex, and with Rachel, the sex was always hot. He couldn’t remember another lover turning him on anywhere near as much.

Just the thought of her sweet ass cupped in his strong hands while he plunged into her heat had him instantly hard and ready to throw her across the bed.

Tonight was going to be good.

As he reached her door, he raised his hand, knowing she wasn’t going to admit him easily. But part of her appeal was that he enjoyed chasing her so much. He hoped she didn’t lose that appeal once he finally captured her, but he suspected that wouldn’t happen.

Still, he enjoyed her fiery temper and the lashing from her tongue, at least on occasion. It would definitely make for an interesting life.

Once he threw the full arsenal of his charm her way, he’d win her over with no problems. He pasted an arrogant yet seductive smile across his lips when he knocked. After several moments, when there was no answer, he knocked again, his smile faltering just the slightest bit.

He didn’t expect her to be so rude as to ignore him entirely.

“My little wildcat, I’m not leaving until we speak this evening,” he said, his voice low and sexy.

Still no answer.

“I won’t leave, Rachel. I can wait at your door all night long. I can last until morning and then some. You should know that well, since I did a lot more than just stand outside and serenade you during that week in Florida,” he said loudly. “Yes, I made you come over and over and over…” He knew he’d get some sort of reaction. Hell, he hoped she came to the door in a stormy, fiery mood.

Dangerous, of course. He’d have a hell of a time restraining himself, and not shocking the servants by simply pushing her against the solid wood of her door and thrusting inside her. Her temper really fueled his lust.

“I plan on proving my abilities later by stripping off your clothes, spreading your thighs and—”

Before he could finish the sentence, the door was thrown open and a furious Rachel stood before him, sporting an appealingly short silk robe, hair that was mussed, and a scowl on her lips.

She must have been in bed, and he’d gladly escort her back to it.

Rachel looked up and down the hallway to see if anyone else was out there.

“What in the hell are you doing, Adriane? I don’t need your staff to hear this sort of talk and think I’m a complete tramp,” she hissed, blocking the entrance into her room.

Adriane had to fight back a giant grin. He’d gotten her to open the door. That was the first part of the battle. Now, he just needed to charm her into letting him through, and they could come together and then sleep until morning. He needed both release and a good night’s rest, and he was sure she wanted and needed the same.

“I needed you to open the door. It seemed my knock wasn’t doing it,” he said easily, leaning against the doorjamb, making her take a step back. She still didn’t let go of the door, however; nor did she invite him inside.

But he wasn’t worried. He had her right where he wanted her.

“Maybe I wasn’t answering because I was in bed and didn’t want to talk to you tonight,” Rachel said tightly. “We can talk tomorrow, in the morning.” She tried to push the door closed.

Adriane easily blocked her move.

“I think tonight is better. I’ve missed you, Rachel. Why don’t you invite me inside, so we can talk privately and then…um…rest?” he asked, careful with his choice of words.

“Rest? Really, Adriane? That’s the best you can come up with? I don’t think so. But knowing you, you probably spent hours working up this brilliant attempt at seduction. Am I right?”

“You wound me, Rachel.”

“Don’t tempt me,” she said, deliberately taking his words literally. “We will wait until tomorrow, when you haven’t had so much wine, and then we will talk. I could have left your charming little country, but I chose to stay to get to know you. If you are going to give me these cheesy pickup lines and try tempting me with your…charm—” Rachel broke off for a second to chortle at the idea, “—then you will simply annoy me and I’ll hop on the first flight out of Corythia. I’m trying here — for the sake of my children — but don’t push me beyond what I will tolerate.” Rachel spoke with a sweet smile, but also with steel in her voice.

Adriane was taken aback by the fire in his little minx.

Damn, he wanted her even more now.

Still, his plans for seduction were going right down the drain, and that hadn’t entered into his plans as he’d paced for hours. He wouldn’t force her. No, that wasn’t his style. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t willing to do a bit of cajoling.

Looking down, he noticed her bright red toenails, sparkles included. Never before had he been turned on by toenails, but tonight was yet another exception in a long line of them brought on by Rachel Palazzo.

Everything about her, it seemed, got his blood racing and his manhood pulsing.

Yep, permanent damage. He now expected it.

“Why not just invite me in? We’ll have a drink by the fire. I can rub your feet,” he said. He suddenly wanted to do nothing but that. No, that was something else he’d never had a desire to do before. Damn!

Her expression softened as she considered his words. Ha! He’d found a weakness in her armor. Who would have known?

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