They were truly talented with their tongues.

“Oh. My. Word.”

He had her pinned with one hand and with no warning had opened her thighs with his broad shoulders, falling on her as if he were starving. Long licks from her core to her clit, a teasing circle then another stroke. Caroline happily widened her legs to give him room to work.

He lifted her to his mouth, lapping intimately, one hand holding her in place. Somehow he got his fingers involved again, pressing against her clit until she gasped for air, teetering on exploding.

He slipped his hand away and covered her clit with his mouth and sucked, and she broke, pleasure enveloping her.

“Tyler, oh yes.”

He was over her before the first peak faded, broad cock at her opening. He held her thigh to one side and pressed in, a second pulse of pleasure accompanying his entrance.

She stared at him, his face tense with restraint; pleasure there as well as he sank deeper one rock at a time. She was being stretched so good, his cock teasing aftershocks from her.

When he buried himself all the way, their groins finally meshed, she squeezed her eyes shut to soak in the sensation.

“Caroline, you’re incredible.” The words whispered beside her ear. He was on his elbows over her, his hips moving slowly as he withdrew his cock then slipped in again. “So tight around me. So wet and perfect. Lift your legs and hold me.”

She obeyed instantly, crossing her ankles and groaning as the new angle moved him deeper.

“Yes.” He swiveled his hips, and a zing of something extra thrilled up her spine. She must have gasped or groaned or hoorayed yes, because his focus narrowed to her and nothing else. “Oh, you like that, do you?”

“Again,” she ordered. Panted. Wheezed. The word was barely comprehensible, but he seemed to know what she was begging for. Because he repeated the move. And again, teasing her inside where she never remembered feeling before. Like he’d found the magic button people always talked about, and she never knew she’d been missing.

Sex before this? She’d enjoyed. She’d enjoyed a lot. But with every thrust, Tyler erased what had come before and made her see stars. Everywhere.

“Breathe, Caroline,” he laughed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Don’t stop,” she begged, certain if he wavered this magical event would vanish like rain in the desert.

“Don’t worry.” He gave another thrust that made her ears tingle. The next one, the top of her head. “This feels too good to stop any time soon.”

Lillie’s comment about Energizer Bunny Bears echoed in her memory, and Caroline relaxed. Her entire lower body was along for the ride as he worked her over, leaning on one elbow to free a hand.

She was sure he’d go for her breasts, because, hello, consistency in a male was to be appreciated. Then he shocked her by slipping his hand under her head and cradling her neck, lowering his mouth over hers and kissing her tenderly. His tongue explored lazily even as his cock pierced her in two.

Tenderness mixed with incredible passion. A soft kiss pressed to the corner of her mouth as he rocketed his cock into her core, and that extra motion broke her. Her climax hit, washing her with passion as he kissed her one more time then came, his release shaking his torso as he held himself from crushing her.

“Sweet Caroline.” The words whispered against her lips, and she smiled, even as the delight shuddering through her made the room go fuzzy.

Chapter Twelve

When his arm strength gave out, he managed to drop to the side and not on top of her. Caroline cuddled in, resting her head on his shoulder, her fingers moving in small circles as she played with his chest hair.

“That was incredible.” She exhaled in a long, low rush. “Although, I’m still not sure why it happened.”

His bear rolled upward and suggested taking her for a few more rounds so she’d stop with the thinking so much. Tyler kind of agreed with the beast this time. “You need me to explain sexual attraction?”

She leaned up on an elbow, her blonde hair falling in a curtain over her shoulder as her gaze searched him thoroughly. “Oh, I understand sex. I’m still not sure why I wanted it so badly with you.”

A myriad of answers waited to be shared, but none of them were as important as clearing the air. He brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “You’re more to me than a political necessity.”

Some of the softness left her face. “Go on.”

Tyler crossed his arms under his head and stared up at the ceiling, trying to put his thoughts into order. “You saw Lillie tonight.”

“She’s lovely. I hope she didn’t get hurt in the fight.”

Tyler shook his head. “I saw Jim and her ducking out. She’ll be fine, and he’s head over heels with her, so you can be sure he’ll take good care of her.”

“Turned out well for an arranged marriage.”

Damn. “I should have guessed you’d have ferreted out secrets even in the short time before the party blew up. Yes, their marriage was arranged, just like my brother Frank’s.”

She leaned higher, a question in her eyes. “Frank? Really? That must have been successful as well, because I heard he left civilization when she died.”

Tyler nodded. “In the clans, arranged marriages are common. We’re not like packs who gather together en mass. Usually the clans are spread over a wide area, and chances of finding another bear and falling in love are low.”

Her eyes widened, horror filling them. “You’re not engaged to someone, are you?”

Shit. He caught her before she could crawl off and take away her warmth. “No, of course not. I wouldn’t have taken you to bed if I had another woman. I’ve been avoiding making a commitment because I was too busy traveling for the family business and, more recently, running the show.”

“Evan mentioned you had taken over. I’m sorry, did your father pass away recently?”

“Last year.” Tyler paused. “And it wasn’t my father who died.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Tyler forced out the words. “My mother died. My father has been devastated by her loss. He’s a shadow of the man he was before.”

Caroline sat upright, and in spite of the seriousness of the moment, his gaze involuntarily went to her breasts. She jerked a T-shirt from under the pillow and pulled it over her head while his bear complained bitterly.

“Stop rumbling. We need to talk and eat, and naked isn’t a good idea for that,” Caroline scolded as she scrambled off the bed and headed to the closet.

“Naked works fine by me, although food would be welcome.” He admired her legs and the curve of her ass peeking out from under the tail of her shirt. “Your sister won’t have anything for me to wear.”

“Her partner might, or you can use the robe again.”

“I don’t see what’s wrong with naked,” he grumbled, accepting the pair of sweatpants she thrust at him.

“I’ll make eggs and toast. You can squeeze some oranges.”

She was gone in a blur of motion. Out the door, leaving behind only the scent of their lovemaking.

Tyler sat on the edge of the bed and wondered what had just happened. He’d been all ready to make a full confession about why he’d been an ass, and she’d cut him off. He thought women liked conversations about emotions.

His bear snickered.


By the time he’d joined her in the kitchen, she had a pan heating on the stove and the carton of eggs open. Toaster loaded with bread. “You have everything under control?”

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