She snorted. “Always.”

He opened the fridge and looked for oranges. “I’m a lousy date. Took you out for dinner and never fed you.”

“Look on the bright side, the entertainment was good.”

He eyed her as she cracked eggs into the pan, studiously avoiding his gaze. Okay, it wasn’t just his imagination. She really was acting weird.

Maybe her blood sugar was low or something. He followed directions as she ordered him around the kitchen, even though he did know how to use both a knife and a hand juicer.

He let her ramble about inconsequential things, answering her generic questions regarding Dzinsen Diamonds. Not until she’d cleaned her plate did he push his own away and lean back in his chair.

“I know we didn’t have much time before things blew up, but what are your thoughts on the gathering tonight?”

“Other than the idiot who turned it into a punching match? Todd Ainsworth is an ass. I think he’s abusing Amanda.”

Dammit. “Chances are, yes, he is. What else?”

She swirled the last inch of orange juice in her glass and stared at the liquid. “Bears are protective of their women. Far more than they need to be, if Lillie’s instant response to the attack is any indication.”

He paused. “I agree with you that we’re protective. It’s in our nature.”

She blew a raspberry at him. “There you go again, blaming it on your instincts. Why do you shifters do that? Everyone who is not broken wants to protect those they love, whether they’re human or shifter. Bears don’t have a monopoly on protective reflexes.”

“Can I blame the overprotective part on being a bear?”

“Nope. You can blame that on being an idiot. I know some women need more encouragement, and even coddling, than others, but then again, so do some guys. By cutting off an entire section of your population, you are losing out big-time in harnessing their skills and enthusiasm.”

Tyler stared at her. “You got all this out of barely forty-five minutes in the presence of conclave members?”

She held up her hand and flicked off fingers. “The party, the limo ride, the lingerie shop, dinner last night, our little meet-and-greet in the hotel…”

Damn. “So what’s the solution?”

Caroline stacked their dirty plates then carried them to the counter. “You need to win this thing, so when you do the territorial fixes, you can smack sense into the guys who need it. Someone like Jim Halcyon—he won’t argue if you suggest he and his clan join the twenty-first century.”

“No, he won’t.”

She leaned a hip on the counter. “Todd Ainsworth, on the other hand, should be locked up somewhere for a very long time.”

“Locked up?” That was a shocker. “I would have thought you’d suggest something painful, or an even more permanent solution to rid ourselves of the wonder that is Todd.”

“I didn’t say where I’d lock him up, did I? Or who I’d lock him up with.”

There was the bloodthirsty woman his bear so appreciated. Tyler took a long slow look, starting at her bare feet and working his way up to her eyes. “I want your help to win this, but I was afraid to let you become more than an assistant.”

“You don’t have to tell me why—”

“I do.” He stood and crowded her, one hand on either side on the counter to trap her in position. “You’re pushing me away when I want to explain. I thought I needed to grovel?”

She avoided his eyes. “I changed my mind.”

“That’s not an answer.”

Caroline planted her hands on his chest and attempted to shove him back. “I don’t want to know why you were keeping me at arm’s length. It’s no big deal. The sex thing is fine, and I’ll help you at the next gathering, but—”

She wasn’t getting it, so he shut her up the only way he could think of. He kissed her. Open mouths together, his tongue stopping hers.

Instead of applying pressure to escape, she was soon sliding her hands around his chest and dragging her nails down his back. They had no difficulties in the physical-compatibility department, that was for certain.

He broke them apart and leaned their foreheads together. “Listen to me. I like you. I want to see where this can go between us, not only for conclave.”

Caroline shook her head. “I don’t want a new boyfriend.”

Tyler hesitated over her word choice. “A new boyfriend? You just broke up with someone. That’s why you’re living in your sister’s apartment.”

She wiggled uncomfortably.

“I don’t get it. If you’re not dating someone, then why not make it official and date me? You like me, right?”

“Of course I do. We had sex. I don’t fool around with guys I don’t care about.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Are you trying to escape someone? Was your last boyfriend more like Todd than Jim?”

Her jaw gaped open before she pulled herself together. “Hell, no. Evan is—”

“Evan? As in the leader of the Takhini pack?” Tyler’s hackles went up. “What did he do to you? I’ll kill him.”

She smacked a hand against her forehead. “What is with you Alpha dudes? Stop interrupting and listen to my words. I do not need you doing anything to Evan. I don’t need you doing anything in my life. Get it, my life. Me, in charge.”

Tyler calmed himself. “Sorry, instinctive reaction.”

She narrowed her glare. “You say the word instinct one more time, and I swear I will hurt you.”

This time when she shoved him Tyler stepped back, setting her free to pace the living room. “I’m sorry for misunderstanding, but what does that have to do with why you won’t officially go out with me?”

Caroline leaned her head on the window, staring into the darkness of the night. “I’ve been a human in a wolf pack for ages. I’ve done things to make myself important. I’ve worked hard and fought for my position, like any wolf would. And I’m tired of it. I want some time to myself. No shifters to make happy, no rules to follow or worry about breaking. I can’t have that, not with you needing my help, but I can certainly avoid being an official girlfriend and all the extra shit that would bring with it.”

“I feel guilty for dragging you into this, but I still fail to see why being with me isn’t a plus. I’m not more work.”

“Ha.” The derision in her tone rippled across the room like a cold splash of water. “You’re one of the worst types. You don’t think you’re a lot of work, but what you really want is everything. All my attention, all my focus. Admit it. At least acknowledging it would be one step in making a difference in this conversation.”

“You want honesty?” Tyler moved in on her. “I didn’t want to ask you to be my date for real because I was afraid I was too attracted to you. If it’s just business, I could tell myself it’ll be all over in a week. That I don’t have to worry about getting attached, falling in love, and then losing you.”

Caroline’s legs wouldn’t hold her any longer. She collapsed on to the couch and stared at Tyler in shock. “Are you ever leaping to conclusions there, bucko. From a date to falling in love in three easy steps. That’s not normal.”

He was the one pacing the room now, frustration in his every move. “Maybe not for a human, but I’m a bear.”

He continued to stride back and forth, much like her thoughts bounced in her brain. That tropical-island beach was looking better and better all the time.

“So…bears fall in love fast?” And why hadn’t she been warned?

Tyler clasped the back of the easy chair, his big hands fisted in the fabric. “We’re emotional creatures.

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