carpet. But I knew, if I pulled up the carpet, there’d be bloodstains underneath.

Some of them would be mine.


My chin jerked up at the sound of Aiden’s voice, and our gazes collided for a brief second. I’d come to talk to him, but I’d lost my courage the moment those thundercloud-colored eyes had focused on mine. “I don’t have anything better to do, either.”

“So what are you two doing?” Deacon asked, batting impossibly long lashes.

Marcus leaned back in his chair, and his cool emerald gaze drifted over us. “We were discussing what to do with the Sentinels outside the gates. They haven’t caused any problems yet. In fact, it appears they are now guarding the gates from outside.”

My gaze flicked over to Aiden. He was staring at me in that intense, consuming way only he could pull off. It was the same way he used to watch me while I was in grappling class. I shifted in my chair. “Well, um, that’s good news, right?”

“We hope.” Marcus scratched his chin. “Aiden was telling me you talked to Seth last night?”


Oh crap.

I squirmed some more. “Yeah, I did.”

“And you believe him?” he asked. “He’s turned over a new leaf?”

“I’m not sure I’d say he’s completely turned over a new—” A quick fissure of energy rolled down my spine, and the marks of the Apollyon raced across my skin. Electricity filled the room, and my senses flared. I knew the feeling. A god was here. I shot to my feet and started to turn.

Apollo stood behind me. “Hi.”

I jerked back, smacking my hand over my pounding heart. “Good gods…”

One side of his lips curved up. He looked completely unrepentant, but he was rocking those baby blue eyes instead of the creepy god ones.

“Why must you keep doing that?” Aiden shook his head. “Gods.”

The god shrugged. “How else should I do it? Ring a bell first?”

“That’s actually a great idea,” Aiden replied dryly. Deacon was on his feet, eyes wide, and he immediately started to backpedal out of the room. “I think I need…to, um, go find something else to do. Yeah.”

Momentarily distracted from Apollo’s sudden appearance, I narrowed my eyes at Aiden’s brother. “What is it between you two?”

Deacon froze near the door.

The lopsided smile on Apollo’s face spread. “Well, I would never kiss and tell.”

My mouth dropped open as Deacon’s face turned blood red. Oh jeez. Suspicions confirmed. Wow.

“What. The. Hell.” Aiden stepped around the desk, glaring at Apollo. “Have you—?”

“Wait.” Apollo held up a hand, his voice brokering no argument. He stared at me for a second. “Come here, Alex.”

“Uh…” I didn’t move, and I sure as hell didn’t want to get between Aiden and Apollo. “No thank you. Find another diversion tactic.”

Apollo’s head moved to the side. “Alex—”

I sensed Seth the second before I heard a shot outside, and then he barreled through the door, skidding to a halt a few feet behind Apollo. There were daggers in his hands.

Amber eyes dilated, Seth took a deep breath and let it out slowly as his gaze landed on Apollo. “Oh. It’s you.”

Well, now we knew Seth most definitely could get out of that cell when he wanted to. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden draw his gun. Deacon crept back to our side.

“Yeah, it’s me.” Apollo seemed to grow in height, which was a bit frightening considering he was already Godzilla-sized.

A handful of Guards appeared behind Seth, all of them out of breath and a bit banged up. Seth shrugged and turned, handing the pair of daggers back to an empty-handed Guard. Several of them began talking at once.

“He just got out. No warning,” one Guard said. “We tried to stop him.”

“Sorry,” Seth said. “I thought it was another god, one more annoying than this one.”

My eyes widened.

Apollo smiled tightly. “Oh, you’re so cute.”

Seth smirked. “I am fabulously sexy, the last time I checked, but I’ll go back to my cell now. Breakfast would be nice, by the way. I’m starving.”

“This isn’t a hotel,” Aiden said, his gun leveled on Seth.

The Apollyon eyed the gun in Aiden’s hand and then arched a brow. “You really like pointing that thing at me.”

“You have no idea how much joy it gives me.”

Seth got that look on his face—the one that said he was tossing out bait and knew Aiden was about to bite. “Don’t let me forget. I do owe you for the knock over the head yesterday.”

“You want that again?” Aiden smirked. “Keep talking.”

“Oh, for the love of gods everywhere, stop it,” I said. “This is ridiculous.” Everyone turned to me. “Obviously you don’t think he’s tricking us, Apollo, or you’d have blasted him with some god juice by now.”

“Just because I haven’t doesn’t mean I won’t.”

Seth opened his mouth, but I jumped in before he could make the situation worse. “And it’s rather pointless. He can get out if he wants to. So what’s the point of making him go back into the cell?”

“I can knock him out again,” Aiden suggested calmly. “He’ll stay put for a while after that.”

“You’re really starting to annoy me.” Seth turned to Aiden, his eyes glowing faintly. “You know what your problem is?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Do tell.” A muscle spasmed in Aiden’s jaw.

“One word.” Seth took a small step forward, a grin playing across his lips. “Jealousy.”

I threw my hands up. “I give up. Not like we don’t have real problems to deal with, but let’s continue the boy-fight.”

“Actually, as entertaining and long overdue this boy-fight is, Alex has a point for once. Surprising, huh?” Apollo earned a death glare for that. “Aiden, put your gun away. Marcus, there’s no need for daggers.” Then he eyed Seth. “If you have nothing to hide, you aren’t going to run from me.”

Seth’s spine straightened. “I would never run.”

I had no idea what was going on, but Seth held himself still as Apollo took two long strides and placed his hand on the center of the Apollyon’s chest. Surprise flickered across Seth’s face, and then Apollo stepped back.

“He’s telling the truth. He’s no longer working with Ares, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still a threat,” Apollo announced, and I had a feeling I knew what the god was referencing. And then he turned to me. “We need him here anyway. He’s not the problem. You are.”

“What?” He was staring at me. “Why me? I’m, like, the voice of reason for once.”

“It’s not that.” Apollo faced me completely. “Guards, leave the room and close the door behind you.”

They didn’t even hesitate. They scattered like cockroaches. Unease formed little knots in my belly as I glanced at Aiden. He hadn’t put the gun away, and looked like he was going to aim it at Apollo next. Deacon had successfully pinned himself against the wall, out of everyone’s path.

“Have you been marked?” Apollo asked, his nostrils flaring.

I shook my head, taking a step back. Sweat dotted my brow as I eyed the door. I wanted out of this room really badly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but you’re starting to freak me out.”

Apollo’s eyes flipped from blue to white—no pupils, no irises. Static crackled in the air. “Come here,” he repeated.

I needed to get out of here. Blood pounded in my veins. Every ounce of my being screamed for me to leave. Apollo wasn’t—

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