Religion, as motivation in health projects, 110
Repolarization disorders, 204
Reproductive cycle:
Reservoir hosts:
animals and
vectorial transmission of
health education and, 132;
housing in urban Bolivia and, 100
Respiratory infections, and ethnomedicine in Bolivia, 68
Restorative proctocolectomy, 74-75
Rheumatic fever, 85
defecation rate, 59, 177;
feeding activities of, 176;
importance of compared to other species of vectors, 186, 188, 189, 191;
pheromones in feces of, 174;
roof thatching and, 97
Kallawaya herbalists and misfortune ritual for Chagas’ disease, 30-34;
roof thatching in Bolivia and, 91
Rivas, Daniel, 109, 113
Rodents, as hosts for
Romana’s Sign, 7, 8, 16, 49, 108, 196-97
Roofs, of houses:
alternative low-cost methods, 234n.14;
ceramic tile and Chagas’ control, 120;
thatching as habitat for triatomines, 97;
thatching of as ritual in Bolivia, 91
Rotan palm tree, 40
Rothhammer, F., 19
Rural areas, epidemiology of Chagas’ disease in Bolivia, 47
Sanchez, Daniel O., 168
Sanchez de Lozada, Gonzalo, 103, 104
Schaudinn, F., 1
Schizodemes, and
Schofield, C. J., 237 n.1
Seasonality, and vectorial transmission of
Secretariat of Health (SOH, Bolivia), xx, 67, 128, 182, 233n.2, 235n.2, 236n.1
Sensano, Ruth, xviii, 46, 107-23, 135, 148
Serological methods, for diagnosis of Chagas’ disease, 219
Serum neutralization, 211
Shamans, and Culture Context Model for Chagas’ prevention, 135
Side effects:
of benznidazole, 222-23;
of gentian violet, 224;
of nifurtimox, 221
Sleeping sickness:
Chagas’ disease compared to, 10-11;
discovery of causative agent, 1;
discovery of Chagas’ disease and, 13
Smallpox, 27
Social factors:
economic impact of chronic Chagas’ disease, 84, 149-53;
spread of Chagas disease in Andes, 22-24.
Class; Culture
Sociology, and interdisciplinary approach to prevention of Chagas’ disease, 147
SOH/CCH Chagas Control Pilot Program, 182, 233n.2, 235n.2, 236n.1, 236n.7
Spain, colonialism and
Spiders, as predator of
Spirituality, and Culture Context Model for Chagas’ prevention, 140
Spontaneous abortion, and Chagas’ disease, 61, 230 n.8
Standen, V., 19
Stewart, George, 162, 198, 236-37n.1
Strains, of
adaptation in Andes and, 20;
classification of and impact on pathology, 163-65;
clinical manifestations and, 81;
colon pathology and, 22;
complement-mediated lysis and, 212;
immunization and, 171;
nifurtimox and, 221;
susceptibility of triatomine vectors to infection and, 162
Stress testing, and ECG abnormalities, 203
Stumpy trypomastigotes, 161
Suarez, J. A., 200
Sucre, Department of (Bolivia), 22, 81-82, 227
Surface membrane, of
Surgery, for chagasic megacolon, 74
Swiss Tropical Institute, 225
Sylvatic animals, as hosts for