Oswald, Marguerite
Oswald, Marina Prusakova
eve of assassination and
FBI and
later life of
Lee’s attack on Walker and
marital problems of
marries Lee
moves to U.S.
pregnancy of
Oswald, Robert
Otash, Fred
Paine, Ruth
Parker, John
Parker, William
Parkland Memorial Hospital
Peace Corps
Perry, Mac
Pillar of Fire (Branch)
Porter, Rachel
Portrait of a President (Manchester)
Postal, Julia
Powers, Dave
presidents, deaths of, in office
Presley, Elvis
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy)
Profumo, John
Protective Research Section (PRS)
Prusakov, Ilya
racial segregation and discrimination. See also civil rights movement; and specific events and individuals
Radziwill, Lee (Jackie’s sister)
Rather, Dan
Ray, James Earl
Ready, John
Reagan, Ronald
Republican Party
Resolute desk
Reston, James
Roberts, Emory
Roberts, Ralph
Robertson, Carole
Robertson, James, Jr.
Roman Catholic Church
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
assassination attempt on