Strategic Air Command
Suddenly (film)
Sullivan, William C.
Swindal, Jim
Tactical Air Command
Taft, William Howard
election of 1960 and
election of 1964 and
Jackie’s popularity in
Jack’s trip planned
LBJ and
Oswald and
Texas Criminal Court of Appeals
Texas Democratic National Committee
Texas Observer
Texas School Book Depository
Thich Quang Duc
Thomas, George
Thoreau, Henry David
Till, Emmett Louis
Time Man of the Year
Tippit, J. D.
Tolson, Clyde
Tretick, Stanley
Truman, Harry
Turkey, missiles in
Turnure, Pamela
U-2 spy planes
United Auto Workers Union
United Nations
United Nations Day
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
First Armored Division
Map Service
U.S. Congress
U.S. House of Representatives
Jack elected to
U.S. Marines
U.S. Navy
U.S. Senate
U.S. Supreme Court
Victoria, queen of England
Vidal, Gore
Viet Cong
Vietnam War
Walker, John
Walker, Ted