27 Thatcher, p. 161.

28 Michael Cockerell, Live from Number 10: The Inside Story of Prime Ministers and Television (Faber, 1988), p. 213.

29 Thatcher, pp. 162 – 3.

30 Carol Thatcher, p. 97.

31 Finchley Press, 26 June 1970.

5. Education Secretary

1 Thatcher, p. 166.

2 Interview, Sir Toby Weaver.

3 Spectator, 22 July 1972.

4 Thatcher, p. 38.

5 Nicholas Timmins, The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State (HarperCollins, 1995), pp. 373 – 4.

6 Peter Hennessy, Whitehall (Secker & Warburg, 1989), p. 626.

7 Interview, John Hudson.

8 Conservative Party Conference, 7 October 1970.

9 Interview, Sheila Browne.

10 House of Commons, 5 November 1971 [Vol. 825, cols 510 – 27].

11 The Times, 26 June 1971.

12 Conservative Party Conference, 14 October 1971.

13 Confidential source interviewed by David Butler, June 1970.

14 House of Commons, 14 June 1971 [Vol. 819, cols 42 – 56].

15 Sun, 9 July 1971.

16 Ibid., 25 November 1971.

17 Daily Mail, 31 January 1972.

18 The Times, 18 January 1972.

19 Education:A Framework for Expansion [Cmnd 5774] (HMSO, 1972); House of Commons, 19 February 1973 [Vol. 851, cols 41 – 57].

20 Thatcher, pp. 190 – 91.

21 House of Commons, 28 January 1974 [Vol. 868, cols 39 – 49].

22 The Times, 17 May 1972.

23 Finchley Press, 16 February 1973.

24 Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1972.

25 Finchley Press, 1 February 1974.

26 Ibid., 19 October 1973.

27 John Ramsden, The Winds of Change: Macmillan to Heath, 1957 – 1975 (Longman, 1996), p. 359.

6. The Peasants’ Revolt

1 Phillip Whitehead, The Writing on the Wall: Britain in the Seventies (Channel 4/Michael Joseph, 1985), p. 330.

2 Keith Joseph, Reversing the Trend (Barry Rose, 1975), p. 4.

3 Conservative party archive (LCC 74/9].

4 Interview, Sheila Browne.

5 Thatcher, p. 249.

6 David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh, The British General Election of October 1974 (Macmillan, 1975), p. 122.

7 Evening News, 11 October 1974.

8 Thatcher, p. 266.

9 Whitehead, p. 327.

10 Thatcher, p. 267.

11 Ibid.

12 BBC Radio 4, Any Questions? 30 January 1970.

13 The Times, 25 November 1974.

14 Daily Mirror, 3 February 1975.

15 Daily Express, 3 February 1975.

16 Daily Mail, 5 February 1975.

17 Patrick Cosgrave, Margaret Thatcher: A Tory and Her Party (Hutchinson, 1978), p. 72.

18 Daily Telegraph, 6 February 1975.

19 Daily Mail, 1 February 1975.

20 Cockerell, p. 219.

21 Sun, 12 February 1975.

22 Ramsden, p. 456.

7. Leader of the Opposition

1 Ramsden, p. 456.

2 Margaret Thatcher interviewed by David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh, 9 August 1978.

3 Thatcher, p. 334.

4 The Times, 9 April 1975.

5 House of Commons, 8 April 1975 [Vol. 889, cols 1021 – 33].

6 The Times, 7 June 1975.

7 Margaret Thatcher to Lord Home, 23 June 1975, in D. R. Thorpe, Alec Douglas- Home (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1996), pp. 450 – 51.

8 Margaret Thatcher to Lord Home, July 1975, loc. cit.

9 Lord Home to Margaret Thatcher, 13 August 1975, loc. cit.

10 Speech to Chelsea Conservative Association, 26 July 1975.

11 Cosgrave, p. 190.

12 Speech to the National Press Club,Washington, DC, 19 September 1975.

13 The Times, 18 September 1995.

14 Henry Miller, DailyTelegraph, 25 September 1975; Fred Emery, The Times, 26 September 1975.

15 Thatcher, pp. 305 – 6.

16 Ronald Millar, A View from the Wings (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989), pp. 225 – 7.

17 Ibid., p. 275.

18 Speech to Conservative Party Conference, Blackpool, 10 October 1975.

19 Cosgrave, p. 195.

20 House of Commons, 16 October 1975 [Vol. 897, col. 1587].

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