30 Summary of President Carter’s telephone conversation with Mrs Thatcher, 28 December 1979 [Carter papers: vertical file – Afghanistan].

31 House of Commons, 26 June 1979 [Vol. 969, col. 289].

32 Gilmour, p. 289.

33 Alan Sked and Chris Cook, Post-War Britain:A Political History, 1945 – 1992 (Penguin, 1993), p. 376.

34 Speech at dinner for Chancellor Schmidt, 10 May 1979.

35 House of Commons, 20 March 1980 [Vol. 981, col. 636].

36 e.g. Ibid., 13 March 1979 [Vol. 964, cols 455 – 6].

37 Roy Jenkins, European Diary, 1977 – 81 (Collins, 1989), p. 466.

38 Thatcher, p. 64.

39 Walden, p. 194.

40 Jenkins, p. 479.

41 Ludovic Kennedy, On My Way to the Club (Collins, 1989), p. 354.

42 Lord Carrington, interviewed for The Thatcher Factor.

43 Winston Churchill Memorial Lecture, Luxembourg, 18 October 1979.

44 House of Commons, 25 October 1979, 20 November 1979 [Vol. 972, cols 619 – 20;Vol. 974, col. 208].

45 Jenkins, European Diary, p. 529.

46 Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre (Macmillan, 1991), p. 498.

47 Jenkins, European Diary, p. 529.

48 Henderson, p. 338 (9 May 1980).

49 Jenkins, European Diary, pp. 530 – 31.

50 Ibid., p. 450.

51 House of Commons, 11 March 1980 [Vol. 980, col. 1149].

52 Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1979.

53 House of Commons, 12 June 1979 [Vol. 968, col. 229].

54 Ibid., 13 November 1979 [Vol. 973, cols 1149 – 50].

55 Jenkins, European Diary, p. 511.

56 BBC interview, Campaign ’79, 24 April 1979.

57 Thatcher: The Downing Street Years, BBC TV, 1993.

58 Jenkins, European Diary, pp. 545 – 7.

59 Ibid., pp. 592 – 3.

60 Claude Cheysson, interviewed on The Last Europeans (Channel 4, 1995).

61 Jenkins, European Diary, p. 547.

62 Thatcher, p. 86.

63 Gilmour, pp. 292 – 4.

64 Thatcher, p. 86.

65 Gilmour, pp. 292 – 5.

66 Lawson, p. 111.

67 Jenkins, Life at the Centre, p. 500.

68 House of Commons, 15 May 1979 [Vol. 967, cols 73 – 87].

69 Thatcher, p. 73.

70 Sir Anthony Parsons, interviewed on 22 March 1996 for the British Diplomatic Oral History Project, Churchill College, Cambridge.

71 Gilmour, pp. 281 – 2.

72 Lord Carrington, interviewed for The Thatcher Factor.

73 Carrington, p. 295; Patrick Cosgrave, Thatcher: The First Term (Bodley Head, 1985), p. 81.

74 Ben Pimlott, The Queen (HarperCollins, 1996), pp. 467 – 8.

75 Interview, Sir Robin Renwick.

76 Lord Carrington, Reflect on Things Past (Collins, 1988), p. 286.

77 David Anderson, ‘Mugabe is Right about Land’, Independent, 4 May 2000.

78 Guardian, 30 August 1979.

79 The Times, 14 November 1979.

80 Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1979.

81 The Times, 14 November 1979.

12. Heading for the Rocks

1 The Times, 12 November 1980.

2 Martin Holmes, The First Thatcher Government, 1979 – 1983 (Wheatsheaf, 1985), p. 155.

3 House of Commons, 5 July 1979 [Vol. 969, col. 1553].

4 William Keegan, Mrs Thatcher’s Economic Experiment, p. 148.

5 Ian Gilmour, Dancing with Dogma, p. 24.

6 House of Commons, 26 June 1979 [Vol. 969, col. 296].

7 Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 97.

8 Lawson, p. 67; Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty (Macmillan, 1994), p. 155.

9 Howe, p. 163.

10 Ibid.; Lawson, p. 71; interview, Sir Peter Middleton.

11 Thatcher, p. 97.

12 House of Commons, 27 July 1981 [Vol. 9, col. 828].

13 Howe, p. 162.

14 House of Commons, 9 March 1982 [Vol. 19, col. 719].

15 Jock Bruce-Gardyne, Mrs Thatcher’s First Administration: The Prophets Confounded (Macmillan, 1984), p. 93.

16 The Times, 20 September 1980.

17 John Ranelagh, Thatcher’s People: An Insider’s Account of the Politics, the Power and the Personalities (HarperCollins, 1991), p. 227.

18 Whitehead, p. 380.

19 Hoskyns, p. 267.

20 Denis Healey, The Time of My Life (Michael Joseph, 1989), pp. 491 – 2.

21 Peter Clarke, A Question of Leadership: Gladstone to Thatcher (Hamish Hamilton, 1991), pp. 302 – 4.

22 Guardian, 26 March 1980.

23 Thatcher, p. 53.

24 House of Commons, 23 October 1979 [Vol. 972, col. 192].

25 Ibid., 30 October 1980 [Vol. 991, col. 692].

26 House of Commons, 12 June 1979 [Vol. 968, col. 230].

27 Ibid., 5 February 1981 [Vol. 998, cols 415 – 23].

28 IRN interview, 28 November 1980.

29 Lawson, p. 100.

30 House of Commons, 29 July 1980 [Vol. 989, cols 1301 – 14].

31 Conservative Party Conference, 15 October 1980.

32 John Hoskyns, interviewed for The Thatcher Factor; Ranelagh, p. 236.

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