24 Interview on The Jimmy Young Programme, BBC Radio 2, 26 February 1986.

25 Sked and Cook, p. 476.

26 Keegan, pp. 182 – 3; Christopher Johnson, The Economy under Mrs Thatcher, 1979 – 1990 (Penguin, 1991), pp. 11 – 14.

27 Keegan, pp. 136 – 40.

28 Wyatt, Vol. 1, p. 242 (9 December 1986).

29 Edmund Dell, The Chancellors: A History of the Chancellors of the Exchequer, 1945 – 1990 (HarperCollins, 1996), p. 532.

30 Lawson, p. 224.

31 Interview on The Jimmy Young Programme, BBC Radio 2, 26 February 1986.

32 Speech to the Conservative Central Council, Felixstowe, 15 March 1986.

33 Thatcher, p. 600.

34 Simon Jenkins, Accountable to None: The Tory Nationalisation of Britain (Hamish Hamilton, 1995), p. 179.

35 Lawson, p. 211.

36 John Redwood in Iain Dale (ed.), Memories of Maggie, p. 102.

37 Lawson, p. 222.

38 John Redwood, loc. cit.

39 Annual Register, 1985, p. 28; Annual Register, 1984, p. 21.

40 George Grimstone, a Treasury official, interviewed on The Great Sell-Off , BBC TV, 26 January 1997.

41 Annual Register, 1986, p. 22.

42 Ibid.

43 The Times, 9 November 1985.

44 Ibid., 15 November 1985.

45 Speech at the Conservative Party Conference, 13 October 1989.

46 Thatcher, p. 482.

47 Conservative Party Conference, 13 October 1989.

48 Speech to mid-Bedfordshire Conservatives, 30 April 1982.

49 Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1984.

16. Iron Lady I: Special relationships

1 Speech in Finchley, 22 October 1982.

2 Thatcher, p. 487.

3 Speech to mid-Bedfordshire Conservatives, 30 April 1982.

4 David Reynolds, Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century (Longman, 1991), p. 256.

5 Raymond Seitz, Over Here (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998), p. 278.

6 Charles Powell in Dale, pp. 39 – 40.

7 Charles Powell, interviewed on The Last Europeans.

8 Sir Anthony Parsons, interviewed for the British Diplomatic Oral History Project, Churchill College, Cambridge.

9 Sir Percy Cradock, In Pursuit of British Interests: Reflections on Foreign Policy under Margaret Thatcher and John Major (John Murray, 1997), p. 14.

10 Sked and Cook, p. 504.

11 Ibid.

12 Speech to the Conservative Party Conference, 16 October 1981.

13 Interview, Raymond Seitz.

14 Millar, p. 335.

15 Speech to the Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1984.

16 Smith, p. 26.

17 Tony Benn, Free at Last: Diaries 1991 – 2001 (Hutchinson, 2002), p. 211 [4 November 1993].

18 Chris Ogden, Maggie (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990), p. 236.

19 Speeches at the White House, Washington, DC, 26 February 1981.

20 Reagan papers, Box 35, 8100164 – 8102258.

21 Robin Renwick, Fighting with Allies: America and Britain in Peace and War (Macmillan, 1996), p. 50.

22 Ronald Reagan to Margaret Thatcher, 4 August 1981 (Reagan papers, Box 35, 8100164 – 8102258).

23 Newsweek, 21 June 1982.

24 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 17 June 1983 (Head of State file, Box 34, 152/04/4).

25 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 30 May 1984 (CO 167, 237000 – 245999)

26 John Poindexter memo, 29 July 1983 (CO 167, 160000 – 169999)

27 US Embassy briefing, September 1983 (European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC, Box 90902).

28 Thatcher, p. 469.

29 Richard Perle, interviewed for The Thatcher Factor.

30 George Shultz, interviewed on Thatcher: The Downing Street Years.

31 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 18 July 1984 (Box 35, 88404781 – 8407224).

32 Press conference in Washington, DC, 15 November 1986.

33 Face the Nation, CBS, 17 July 1987.

34 Richard Perle, interviewed for The Thatcher Factor.

35 House of Commons, 1 July 1982 [Vol. 26, col. 1044].

36 Minute of meeting between Mrs Thatcher and Caspar Weinberger, 8 September 1982 (NSC, Box 91330).

37 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 12 November 1982 (Head of State file, Box 34, 152/04/4).

38 Robert Macfarlane/George Shultz memo, 22 December 1984 (NSC, Box 90902).

39 Mrs Thatcher to Reagan, 29 March 1983 (Box 35, 8301952 – 8303361).

40 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 6 April 1983 (loc. cit.).

41 Briefing paper, June 1984 (CO 1167, 270790 – 289999).

42 Washington Post, 17 June 1983.

43 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 18 June 1982 (NSC, Box 90902).

44 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 24 June 1982 (Head of State file, Box 34, 152/04/4).

45 William Clark memo to Reagan, 22 June 1982 (NSC, Box 91327).

46 George Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State (Scribner’s, New York, 1993), p. 1152.

47 Reagan to MrsThatcher, 7 December 1983 (Box 35, 8307330 – 83308843).

48 George Bush to Mrs Thatcher, 8 December 1983 (CO 167, 207000 – 215999).

49 John Poindexter memo to Reagan, 15 November 1986 (CO 167, 440030).

50 Smith, p. 224.

51 Carol Thatcher, p. 210.

52 House of Commons, 24 October 1983 [Vol. 47, cols 227 – 30].

53 Reagan to Mrs Thatcher, 24 October 1983 (Executive Secretariat, NSC, Box 91331).

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