especially his grandparents, who knew how to throw a big party. Delilah would like it.

He heard movement in the room next door and realized she’d come back from the meeting at Cascadia.

“You’re all right?”

“I’m fine. Grandpa is fine. You stay safe, do you hear me?”

“I do. And I’ll see you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He hung up and jogged into the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth, knowing she’d be knocking on his door soon.

As he thought, she tapped on the connecting door a few minutes later and he let her in, smiling at the sight of her in jeans and a T-shirt instead of a suit.

“Come in. I have some beer in ice and I’ve already decided what I want from the room service menu.”

She sent him a smile. “Hungry are we?”

“God yes. I cheated and ate some crackers while answering what feels like a million emails.”

“I have no idea where you put it.” She looked him over before she picked up the menu to scan it.

“Nervous energy, I guess. I’ve always had a fast metabolism.”

“One of the plusses of being a shifter.” She grinned and he couldn’t help it, he leaned across and kissed her. Her initial surprise washed away as she opened to him, kissing him back until the taste of her dizzied him and he pulled back.

“I love your grin.”

“What made you finally make a move? First, before you tell me, order food because I am also starving.”

He grabbed the phone and ordered their dinner.

“Twenty minutes they say. I was just telling my grandmother that I’ve had a crush on you for the last year. Maybe longer. Okay, probably longer. Like since the first time I met you.”

“Freshman senatorial mixer. You had on a gray pinstripe suit with a navy-blue tie. My first thought when I saw you was that you were even hotter in person than you were on television. And then that you had great hair. Then I remembered you were dating some pretty face who read the news on cable. I questioned your taste for a while.”

He snorted a laugh. “Yes, at the time I was dating someone. Casually. Then I guess I let the fact that we’re both in the senate keep me from making a move for a while. But I realized after Molly was nearly killed that it was stupid to hold back any longer. We don’t know when our last day will be and you were a regret I didn’t want to have.”

“I told my sister two weeks ago that if you didn’t hurry up and make a move, I was going to.”

“I’m almost disappointed I didn’t wait for that. Want a beer?” He indicated the ice bucket.

“Yes, god yes.”

He liked the way she moved. Graceful and powerful all at the same time. She sat on the small couch, clinking her bottle to his when he came to join her.

“How did the meeting go? Or I mean, if you can tell me.”

She licked her lips. “Before I tell you anything about the meeting I want to say this. There will come a time when you have to pick a side. That time for me came tonight.”

“I’ve already chosen the side of the Others. I’ve spent the last months doing nothing but working on this cause.”

She shook her head. “That’s not what I mean. Toshio, this . . . Things aren’t . . .” She sighed heavily. “This has moved past bills and speeches. We’ve tried that. They’ve responded with multiple attempts to murder anyone speaking out and by killing innocents all across the globe.”

“I’m a United States senator, Delilah. I can’t just carry a banner for civil war.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m a senator too. And this middle ground you’re trying to hold is getting smaller every day. I’m just saying, straight up, that there will be a time when there’s nowhere left to stand and you will have to step to one side or the other.”

“Surely you can’t endorse civil war! I choose to believe the process can work.”

“That’s a pretty fantasy. The process isn’t working. I can’t endorse a situation where a significant portion of our population is openly abused, assaulted, murdered and mistreated for something like being a witch. I wouldn’t have done it no matter who the group was. The time to wring my hands and hope those in power do the right thing has passed.”

“Change takes time.” He didn’t want to face it. Didn’t want to hear it. But she was made of sterner stuff and continued.

“Time. Bah. The president is doing nothing. Half the time the local authorities do nothing to respond to the attacks on Others. How much more do you think we should take? Hm? Do you think we would go into camps? I know what your family did and I respect that, but that’s not a choice I’m willing to make. I won’t send my parents into a camp and see their lives upended because the government is too weak to take a stand. Or worse, too weak to stop that sort of backslide into a world where it’s okay to put people into camps because they’re different. It’s not going to happen. These groups like PURITY are hate groups, plain and simple. It’s time someone in the White House said so.”

“I called President Sullivan’s chief of staff to request a meeting. It’s not that I disagree with you. I don’t, as it happens. But I’ve got to try as long as I can to do things the legal way.”

“I understand. I just want you to see . . . I want you to realize you’re going to have to choose.” She shrugged. “The Others are organizing militias and police function patrols. And special teams. Did you know many military special ops teams have Others on them?”

“I didn’t, but it makes sense that Rangers, Recon and SEALs would attract Others. Witches are the highest functioning control freaks I’ve ever come across, and believe me, I know control freaks. Speaking of that, are you free next weekend? My grandfather’s birthday party is coming up. I thought you could meet the entire Sato clan.”

She blinked and then smiled. “Yes, yes, I’d like that. Crafty topic change, by the way.”

“I wanted to ask while I remembered it. You’re busy, I’m busy. I just wanted to . . . and yes, change the subject.”

The food came and they steered away from the subject of Others for a while and just got to know each other as Toshio and Delilah. But he knew she was right. He would have to choose someday very soon.

Chapter 16

FAINE watched his woman as she ordered people around. She had no idea how hot it was when she was this way. He saw no reason to tell her so just yet. It would be his secret.

Simon came over and sat next to him. “Damn, one at a time they’re bad ass. But together? Those Jaansen sisters are unstoppable.”

“Let’s hope so.”

Helena and Lark were showing some of the other witches from various covens and other Clans how to work defensive spells. They’d all done some training with the Owen witches, who’d undertaken the skill upgrade back even before the Magister. But it was more important now.

“Our powers are increasing. We need to be aware and always working to manage them. It’s great to reach out and find you can do a spell you never imagined before. But not so much fun to reach and grab something you can’t control. You can get hurt. Other people can get hurt. Now more than ever you need to be aware of yourself. Take stock every day. Hone your skills. We aren’t superior in numbers to those who want to throw us in camps. But they don’t have magick and we do. Use that. Make it the best weapon you have.”

She’d created three special operations teams and had sent them out the night before to track down the leaks and take care of them. Some of those Others were in custody. None of them would continue to be a threat.

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