trying to. He fucked me a lot. I’d be crying or waiting. I’d be-

staring. I’d stare. I was like some idiot, staring. After he

fucked me I’d just be there, a breathing cadaver. Y ou just wait,

finally, for him to kill you; you hope it w o n ’t take too long,

you w o n ’t have to grow old. Hope, as they say, never dies.

T im e’s disappearing altogether, it doesn’t seem to exist at all,

you wait, he comes, he hurts you this w ay or that, long or

short, an enormous brutality, physical injury or psychological

torture, he doesn’t let you sleep, he keeps you up, he fucking

tortures you, yo u ’re in a prison camp, yo u ’re tied up or not,

it’s like being in a cell, he tortures you, he hurts you, he fucks

you, he doesn’t let you sleep, it doesn’t stop so it can start

again, there’s no such thing as a tw enty-four-hour day. I don’t

know. I can’t say. I didn’t go out anymore. I couldn’t walk,

really, couldn’t m ove, either because physically I couldn’t or

because I couldn’t. There’s one afternoon he dragged me from

the bed and he kept punching me. He pulled me with one hand

and punched me with the other, open hand, closed fist, closed

fist, to m y face, to m y breasts, closed fists, both fists, I am on

the kitchen floor and he is kneeling down so he can hit me,

kneeling near me, over me, and he takes m y head in his hands

and he keeps banging m y head in his hands and he keeps

banging m y head against the floor. He punches m y breasts. He

burns m y breasts with a lit cigarette. He didn’t need to hold me

down no more. He could do what he wanted. He was

punching me and burning me and I was wondering i f he was

going to fuck me, because then it would be over; did I want it?

He was shouting at me, I never knew what. I was crying and

screaming. I think he was crying too. I felt the burning. I saw

the cigarette and I felt the burning and I got quiet, there was

this incredible calm, it was as i f all sound stopped. Everything

continued— he was punching me and burning me; but there

was this perfect quiet, a single second o f absolute calm; and

then I passed out. Y o u see how kind the mind is. I just stopped

existing. Y ou go blank, it’s dark, it’s a deep, wonderful dark,

blank, it’s close to dying, you could be dead or maybe you are

dead for a while and God lets you rest. Y ou don’t know

anything and you don’t have to feel anything; not the burns;

not the punches; you don’t feel none o f it. I am grateful for

every minute I cannot remember. I thank You, God, for every

second o f forgetfulness Y ou have given me. I thank Y ou for

burning m y brain out to ashes and hell, wiping it out so it is

scorched earth that don’t have no life; I am grateful for an

amnesia so deep it resembles peace. I will not mind being dead.

I am waiting for it. I have breasts that burst into flames, only

it’s blood. Suddenly there’s a hole in my breast, in the flesh, a

deep hole that goes down into my breast, I can be anywhere,

or just sitting talking somewhere, and blood starts coming out

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