thought, I’d better have a real coat, I thought, the bastard has a

real coat and yes I will risk m y life to get it so I grabbed it and at

first he didn’t want me to have it but I said shit boy it’s a real

cheap w ay to end a marriage and he could’ve smashed me but

he didn’t because he wanted me out and he looked at me and

said yeah take it and you don’t wait a second, you grab it and

you get out. I never was sorry I took it. I slept on it, I slept

under it, I wrapped it around me like it was m y real skin, m y

shelter, m y house, m y home, I didn’t need to buy other stuff

for staying warm , I wore a cheap T-shirt under it, nothing

else, I didn’t have to w o rry about clothes or nothing like that;

but tonight’s too cold for it, there’s nights like that, wind too

bad, too strong, no respite; tonight’s too cold. I think I’m

going to sit still, sit quiet and calm, inside, in a room, in this

quiet room, w ork on m y story, cross out, put new words

down, try to make it sing for me, for me now, here and now,

in m y head now. T hey say Mann was a bourgeois writer. I

never saw it myself. I think he was outside them and I

wondered how he knew when it was beautiful enough and

when it was right. It seemed you had to have this calm. Y ou

had to be still. I think it’s this funny thing inside that I’m just

getting close to, this w ay o f listening, you can sort o f vaguely

hear something, you have to concentrate and get real still but

then you hear this thin thread o f something inside, and the

words ride on it right or they don’t but if you get the words

perfect they are ju st right on that thread, balanced just right. I

can’t really do it though because I’m always tired and I’m

always afraid. I shake. I can’t quiet down enough. The fear’s

new. I w asn’t some frightened girl. I’m afraid to sit still. I’m

afraid to be alone. I’m afraid when it’s quiet. A n y time I

remember I’m afraid. A ny time I dream I’m afraid. A ny time I

have to sit still alone I’m afraid. I just got this shake in me, this

terror; it’s like the room ain’t empty except it’s hollow , worse

than em pty, like some kind o f tunnel in hell, all dark with

nothing, a perfect void, I’m part o f the void and the air I’m

breathing is part o f it and the walls o f the room are the tunnel

and I’m trapped in a nothing so damned real it’s fixed forever. I

shake bad when I’m alone. I work on the stories barely able to

hold the pencil in m y hand. I don’t have no dope to calm me

down. The shake gets less if I smoke some dope, even a small

joint. Mentally I concentrate on calming m yself down so the

shake’s inside but I ain’t trembling so bad in m y body, I’m

more normal. So I sit for as long as I can, writing words down

and saying the sentences out loud to m yself and then I start

speeding up inside with fear and there’s no reason and so I have

to start calming m yself all over again, I concentrate on it until

I’m sitting still, not shaking. Then he just came right inside.

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