tonight and it’s, ah, freezing out there, and she says there’s

someone with her and she doesn’t want me to come in because

he’s with her and I say okay, fine, yeah, it’s fine, yeah, it’s

okay, yeah, okay, because you don’t press yourself on

someone even if they told you always to come to them and

they gave you keys, they have freedom and if they say no then

you ain’t wanted there, and I think about saying to her you

have to do this because I have nowhere to go and nothing and I

will die out there, this ain’t no joke, tonight’s a dying night,

but you can’t push yourself on someone and I figure she

knows that anyway and you can’t count on no one, they will

let you die and that’s just the truth, and she don’t even open the

door to see my face or pass me money, she keeps it locked and I

hear her fasten the chain, and I’m in the hall o f her building and

I think I can go to Jill’s art opening, it’s all I can think of, a bar’s

more uncertain, more dangerous, and I can spend at least a few

hours there inside and there’s people there I know and I can

find a place to sleep maybe on someone’s floor, I don’t want to

fuck anyone, I just know I don’t, but maybe I can find

somewhere, I only got a couple o f dollars and it don’t last long

and you can’t stay warm through a whole night on it and I

don’t know anything past I have to find a place to sleep tonight

and get out o f the cold and I will w orry about the rest

tom orrow, where to go and what to do, I will think about it

tom orrow, and I say to m yself that I ain’t scared and so what

and this is nothing, absolutely nothing, piece o f cake, no

problem, I’ll just go and have a drink or something at the

opening and I’ll ask around and the art opening will last maybe

until two a. m., and then there’s only four hours or maybe five

until dawn, five really, and I can do that; I can do it; if I think

four hours I can do it and then after it’s only a little more time

and there’ll be light; I can do it; it ain’t new and I can do it; and

probably I can find somewhere to sleep and if I have to fuck I

will but I don’t want to but so what if I do but I w on ’t; I can last

through tonight. I’m walking in the wind, it’s like swim m ing

in the ocean against a deep and deadly tide, I’m walking down

to Soho, the streets are bare and the wind is cruel, just fucking

brutal cruel, I get about half a block at a time and I try to find a

doorw ay, warm up, walk as much more as I can stand, the

wind just freezes you, your chest, your blood, your bones; it

fucking hurts; it ain’t some moderate pain, it’s desperate like

some anguish possessing you. Soho’s industrial lofts and.

galleries and a couple o f bars, there’s long streets with

nowhere to go, it’s as if the doorw ays disappeared because the

buildings are industrial buildings and there’s elevators you

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