bleed as i f God put a sign on me; blessing or curse, it draws

flies. Tears o f blood fall from them; they weep blood for me,

because I’m whatever it is: the girl, as they say politely; the

girl. Y o u ’re supposed to make things up for books but I am

afraid to make things up because in life everything evaporates,

it’s gone in mist, just disappears, there’s no sign left, except on

you, and you are a fucking invisible ghost, they look right

through you, you can have bruises so bad the skin’s pulled o ff

you and they don’t see nothing; you bet women had the

vapors, still fucking do, it means it all goes aw ay in the air,

whatever happened, whatever he did and how ever he did it,

and yo u ’re left feeling sick and weak and no one’s going to say

w hy; it’s ju st wom en, they faint all the time, they’re sick all the

time, fragile things, delicate things, delicate like the best

punching bags you ever seen. They say it’s lies even if they just

did it, or maybe especially then. I don’t know really. There’s

nothing to it, no one ever heard o f it before or ever saw it or

not here or not now; in all history it never happened, or if it

happened it was the Nazis, the exact, particular Nazis in

Germany in the thirties and forties, the literal Nazis in

uniform; when they were out o f uniform they were just guys,

you know, they loved their families, they paid o ff their

whores, just regular guys. N o one else ever did anything,

certainly no one now in this fine world we have here; certainly

not the things I think happened, although I don’t know what

to call them in any serious way. Y ou just crawl into a cave o f

silence and die; w hy are there no great women artists? Some

people got nerve. Blood on cement, which is all we got in my

experience, ain’t esthetic, although I think boys some day will

do very well with it; they’ll put it in museums and get a fine

price. W on’t be their blood. It would be some cunt’s they

whispered to the night before; a girl; and then it’d be art, you

see; or you could put it on walls, make murals, be political, a

democratic art outside the museums for the people, Diego

Rivera without any conscience whatsoever instead o f the very

tenuous one he had with respect to women, and then it’d be

extremely major for all the radicals who would discover the

expressive value o f someone else’s blood and I want to tell you

they’d stop making paint but such things do not happen and

such things cannot occur, any more than the rape so-called can

happen or occur or the being beaten so bad can happen or

occur and there are no words for what cannot happen or occur

and i f you think something happened or occurred and there are

no words for it you are at a dead end. There’s nothing where

they force you; there’s nothing where you hurt so much;

there’s nothing where it matters, there’s nothing like it

anywhere. So it doesn’t feel right to make things up, as you

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