must do to write fiction, to lie, to elaborate, to elongate, to

exaggerate, to distort, to get tangled up in moderations or

modifications or deviations or compromises o f m ixing this

with that or combining this one with that one because the

problem is finding words for the truth, especially if no one will

believe it, and they will not. I can’t make things up because I

w ouldn’t know after a while w hat’s blood, w hat’s ink. I barely

know any words for what happened to me yesterday, which

doesn’t make tom orrow something I can conceive o f in m y

mind; I mean words I say to m yself in m y ow n head; not social

words you use to explain to someone else. I barely know

anything and if I deviate I am lost; I have to be literal, if I can

remember, which m ostly I cannot. N o one will acknowledge

that some things happen and probably at this point in time

there is no w ay to say they do in a broad sweep; you describe

the man forcing you but you can’t say he forced you. If I was a

man I could probably say it; I could say I did it and everyone

would think I made it up even though I’d just be remembering

what I did last night or twenty minutes ago or once, long ago,

but it probably w ouldn’t matter. The rapist has words, even

though there’s no rapist, he ju st keeps inventing rape; in his

mind; sure. He remembers, even though it never happened;

it’s fine fiction when he writes it down. Whereas m y mind is

getting worn away; it’s being eroded, experience keeps

washing over it and there’s no sea wall o f words to keep it

intact, to keep it from being washed away, carried out to sea,

layer by layer, fine grains washed away, a thin surface washed

away, then some more, washed away. I am fairly worn away

in m y mind, washed out to sea. It probably doesn’t matter

anyway. People lead their little lives. T here’s not much

dignity to go around. T here’s lies in abundance, and silence for

girls who don’t tell them. I don’t want to tell them. A lie’s for

when he’s on top o f you and you got to survive him being

there until he goes; M alcolm X tried to stop saying a certain

lie, and maybe I should change from Andrea because it’s a lie.

It’s just that it’s a precious thing from my mother that she tried

to give me; she didn’t want it to be such an awful lie, I don’t

think. So I have to be the writer she tried to be— Andrea; not-

cunt— only I have to do it so it ain’t a lie. I ain’t fabricating

stories. I’m making a different kind o f story. I’m writing as

truthful as the man with his fingers, if only I can remember

and say; but I ain’t on his side. I’m on some different side. I’m

telling the truth but from a different angle. I’m the one he done

it to. The bait’s talking, honey, if she can find the words and

stay even barely alive, or even just keep the blood running; it

can’t dry up, it can’t rot. The bait’s spilling the beans. The

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