he degraded into some fucking singsong song like he was

Dinah Shore or Patti Page, how much is that doggie in the

w indow; the words didn’t rise up from the light, only from a

sentimental wish, he had a shadow life and in words he piled

shadow on shadow so there’s this tumult, a chaos o f dreams

running amok; dreams are only shadows; whereas Blake’s

light is perfect and pure, inside the words, so lucid, so simple,

so plain; never a cartoonish lie. O f course it’s different for me

because I turned tricks and been fucked nearly to death and I

have been made weary with dirt and m y mind’s been buried

alive, really, smashed down right into the ground, pushed

under deep; but something ain’t different if I could conquer the

fear o f seeing and knowing, if I wasn’t so afraid o f the light

burning right through m y stupid brain. Y ou want to smoke a

joint or something to make it calmer and duller; not brighter;

it ain’t brighter; it calms you right down or it frenzies you up

but so you are distracted, mentally m oving here and there,

you want something between you and the light, a shield, a

permeable barrier, you want to defuse it or deflect it, to

m ellow it out, to make it softer, not so deadly to your own

soul, not so likely to blow all your own circuits, you can’t

really stand too much light in a world where you got to get

used to crawling around like an insect in the dark, because it’s

like mining coal in that if you don’t get out o f the mine what

goes through you will collapse you. Y o u r mind does stupid

tricks to mask that you are betraying something o f grave

importance. It wanders so you w o n ’t notice that you are

deserting your own life, abandoning it to triviality and

garbage, how you are too fucking afraid to use your own brain

for what it’s for, which is to be a host to the light, to use it, to

focus it; let it shine and carry the burden o f what is illuminated,

everything buried there; the light’s scarier than anything it

shows, the pure, direct experience o f it in you as if your mind

ain’t the vegetable thing it’s generally conceived to be or the

nightmare thing you know it to be but a capacity you barely

imagined, real; overwhelm ing and real, pushing you out to

the edge o f ecstasy and knowing and then do you fall or do you

jum p or do you fly? Life can concentrate itself right in your head

and you get scared; it is cowardice. I notice that my eyes start to

wander across the wall, back and forth, keep wandering across

nothing, or looking at the fucking paint, I notice that my feet are

moving and I’m shifting on the chair, a straight-back wood chair

you have to sit still on, there’s no license to move but I’m

moving, rattling m y feet, rocking, rocking on m y heels, and

then there’s an urgent sensation in m y thighs and in my hips and

wherever sex is down there, whatever you want to call it, there’s

only bad names for it but it isn’t bad and it is real and it sends you

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