something, I say I am shy and I smile, but it’s not true, I am not

shy, I ju st don’t have these great numbers o f dozens o f words,

it’s so blank inside, so empty, no words, no sound at all, a

terrible nothing. I don’t know things. I don’t know where the

people come from when the light starts coming through the

sky. I don’t know where the cars come from, always starting

about an hour after the first trash can is pushed over by boys

running or cats looking for food. T here’s no one to ask if. I

knew how but I can’t think how. The people come out first; in

drips; then great cascades o f them. I don’t know how they got

there, inside, and how they get to stay there. I don’t know

where the cars come from or where the people get all their

coats or where the bus drivers come from in the em pty buses

that cruise the streets before the people come out. I f it’s raining

suddenly people have different clothes to stay dry in but I

don’t know where they got them or where you could go to get

them or how you would get the m oney or how they knew it

was going to rain if you couldn’t see it in the sky or smell it in

the air. I don’t know how anything w orks or how everyone

knows the things they know or w hy they all agree, for

instance, on when to all come out o f the buildings at once in a

swarm , or how they all know what to say and when. They act

like it’s clear and simple and they’re sure. I don’t have words

except for m y name, Andrea, which is the only w ord I have all

the time, which m y mom ma gave me, which I remember even

if I can’t remember anything else because sometimes I forget

everything that happened until now. Andrea is the name I had

since being a child. In school we had to write our names on our

papers so maybe I remember it from that, doing it over and

over day in, day out. And also m y mother whispered it to me

in m y ear when she was loving me when I was little. I

remember it because it was so beautiful when she said it. I

don’t exactly remember it in m y mind, more in m y heart. It

means manhood or courage and it is from Europe and she said

she was damned for naming me it because you become what

you are named for and I w asn’t the right kind o f girl at all but I

think I could never be named anything else because the sounds

o f the w ord are exactly like me in m y heart, a music in a sense

with m y m other’s voice singing it right to m y heart, it’s her

voice that breaks the silence inside me with a sound, a w ord;

m y name. It doesn’t matter w ho says it or in what w ay, I am

comforted, as if it is the whisper o f my mother when I was a

baby and safe up against her in her arms. I was only safe then in

all my life, for a while but everything ends soon. I was born

into her arms with her loving me in Camden, down the street

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