which is w hy I’m not sure just when the judge said five years

and just when Ja y seemed like he was going to double over and

ju st when he was told he could say something and he tried but

couldn’t really. I’ve been organizing with the peace boys since

the beginning o f January, working to organize a demonstration at the United States Mission to the United Nations. We are going to sit in and protest Adlai Stevenson fronting for the

War. The peace boys wanted Ja y to give a speech that they

helped write and it covered all the bases, imperialism, racism,

stinking U . S. government, but it was too awful and too

tragic, and the peace boys went out disappointed that the

speech hadn’t been declaimed but regarding the trial as a

triumph; one more black man in jail for peace. I thought they

should honor him for being brave but I didn’t think they

should be jum ping for jo y ; it was too sad. They weren’t sad.

You just push people around when you organize, get them to

do what’s best for you; and if it hits you what it’s costing them

you will probably die on the spot from it. We have meetings to

work out every detail o f the demonstration. It is a w ay o f

thinking, precise, demanding, you work out every possible

scenario, anticipate every possible problem, you have the

right people at the right place at the right time, you have

everything happen that you want to have happen and nothing

that you don’t; and if something bad happens, you use it. I try

to say things but they just talk over it. if I try to say words to

them about what we are doing they don’t hear the words. I

think I am saying words but I must be mute, m y mouth makes

shapes but it must be that nothing comes out. So I stop saying

things. I listen and put stamps on envelopes. I listen and run off

addresses for envelopes on the mimeograph machine. I listen

and make phone calls to people to get them to come to the

demonstrations. I have long lists and I make the calls for hours

at a time but if I talk too long or say too much someone makes

a sarcastic remark or if I talk too much about the War as if I am

talking about politics someone tells me I am not w orking hard

enough. I listen and type letters. The peace boys scribble out

letters and I type them. I listen and learn how to make the

plans, how to organize; I take it in in a serious w ay, for later

perhaps; I like strategy. I learn how to get people to come and

exactly what to do when and what is important and how to

take care o f people and keep them safe— or expose them to

danger i f that is our plan, which they never know . I learn how

to make plans for every contingency— i f the police do this or

that, i f people going by get violent, i f the folks demonstrating

get hurt, i f the demonstrators decide to get arrested, what to

do when the police arrest you, the laws the police have to

follow , how to make your body go limp in resisting arrest,

how to get lawyers to be ready, how to get the press there,

how to rouse people and how to quiet them down. I listen so

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