million little Henry Millers with hard pricks and a mean prose

style; Pulitzer prizewinning assholes using cash. Looking for

experience, which is what they call pussy afterward when

they’re back in their posh apartments trying to ju stify

themselves. Experience is us, the ones they stick it in.

Experience is when they put down the money, then they turn

you around like yo u ’re a chicken they’re roasting; they stick it

in any hole they can find just to try it or because they’re blind

drunk and it ain’t painted red so they can’t find it; you get to be

lab mice for them; they stick the famous Steel Rod into any

Fleshy Hole they can find and they Ram the Rod In when they

can manage it which thank God often enough they can’t. The

prose gets real purple then. Y ou can’t put it down to

impotence though because they get laid and they had wom en

and they fucked a lot; they just never seem to get over the

miracle that it’s them in a big man’s body doing all the

damage; Look, ma, it’s me. Volum e Tw elve. They don’t act

like human beings and they’re pretty proud o f it so there’s no

point in pretending they are; though you want to— pretend.

Y o u ’d like to think they could feel something— sad; or

remorse; or something ju st simple, a minute o f recognition.

It’s interesting that yo u ’re so dangerous to them but you

fucking can’t hurt them; how can you be dangerous if you

can’t do harm; I’d like to be able to level them, but you can’t

touch them except to be fucked by them; they get to do it and

then they get to say what it is they’re doing— yo u ’re what

they’re afraid o f but the fear just keeps them coming, it doesn’t

shake them loose or get them o ff you; it’s more like the glue

that keeps them on you; sticky stuff, how afraid the pricks are.

I mean, m aybe they’re not afraid. It sounds so stupid to say

they are, so banal, like making them human anyw ay, like

giving them the insides you wish they had. So what do you

say; they’re just so fucking filled with hate they can’t do

anything else or feel anything else or write anything else? I

mean, do they ever look at the fucking moon? I think all the

sperm they’re spilling is going to have an effect; something’s

going to grow. It’s like they’re planting a whole next

generation o f themselves by sympathetic magic; not that

they’re fucking to have babies; it’s more like they’re rubbing

and heaving and pushing and banging and shoving and

ejaculating like some kind o f voodoo rite so all the sperm will

grow into more them, more boys with more books about how

they got themselves into dirt and got out alive. It’s a thrilling

story, says the dirt they got themselves into. It’s bitterness,

being their filth; they don’t even remember right, you’re not

distinct enough, an amoeba’s more distinct, more individuated; they go home and make it up after they did it for real and

suddenly they ain’t parasites, they’re heroes— big dicks in the

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