big night taming some rich but underneath it all street dirty

whore, some glamorous thing but underneath filth; I think

even i f you were with them all the time they wouldn’t

remember you day-to-day, it’s like being null and void and

fucked at the same time, I am fucked, therefore I am not.

M aybe I’ll write books about history— prior times, the War o f

1812; not here and now, which is a heartbreaking time, place,

situation, for someone. Y o u ’re nothing to them. I don’t think

they’re afraid. Maybe I’m afraid. The men want to come in; I

hear them outside, banging; they’re banging against the door

with metal things, probably knives; the men around here have

knives; they use knives; I’m familiar with knives; I grew up

around knives; Nino used a knife; I’m not afraid o f knives.

Fear’s a funny thing; you get fucked enough you lose it; or

most o f it; I don’t know w hy that should be per se. It’s all

callouses, not fear, a hard heart, and inside a lot o f death as if

they put it there, delivered it in. And then out o f nowhere you

ju st drown in it, it’s a million tons o f water on you. if I was

afraid o f individual things, normal things— today, tom orrow ,

w hat’s next, w h o ’s on top, what already has transpired that

you can’t quite reach down into to remember— I’d have to

surrender; but it drowns you fast, then it’s gone. I’d like to

surrender; but to whom , where, or do you just put up a white

flag and they take you to throw your body on a pile

somewhere? I don’t believe in it. I think you have to make

them come get you, you don’t volunteer, it’s a matter o f pride.

Who do you turn yourself into and on what terms— hey,

fellow, I’m done but that don’t mean you get to hurt me

more, you have to keep the'deal, I made a deal, I get not to feel

more pain, I’m finished, I’m not fighting you fucks anymore,

I’ll be dead if it’s the w ay to accomplish this transformation

from what I am into being nothing with no pain. But if you get

dead and there’s an afterlife and it’s more o f the same but

worse— I would just die from that. Y ou got all these same

mean motherfuckers around after yo u ’re dead and you got the

God who made it all still messing with you but now up

close— H e’s around. Y o u ’re listening to angels and yo u ’re

not allowed to tell God H e’s one m aggoty bastard; or yo u ’re

running around in circles in hell, imprisoned by your fatal

flaw, instead o f being here on a leash with all your flaws, none

fatal enough, making you a m aggoty piece o f meat. I want

dead to mean dead; all done; finished; quiet; insensate;

nothing; I want it to be peaceful, no me being pushed around

or pushing, I don’t want to feel the worm s crawling on me or

eating me or the cold o f the wet ground or suffocating from

being buried or smothering from being under the ground; or

being stone cold from being dead; I don’t want to feel cold; I

don’t want to be in eternal dark forever stone cold. N othing

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