Ironically, cruelly, so typical of history ineluctably moving on,

Right to Life groups are the only organized political opposition to

reproductive technology, especially in vitro fertilization, * and are

also the agents of its ascendancy in engineering legislation that

would give the uterus and the fertilized egg to the state to protect

and control. Even in giving the state the right to define when life

begins, which Right to Life groups insist on doing, Right to Life

*Each fertilized egg in a petri dish is regarded as a human life; each time

one is thrown away or “dies, ” murder has been done.

groups are taking that power from religion and transforming it into

a police power of the state. For the sake of religion, they are taking

from religion its moral authority to demand obedience from the

faithful and turning that authority over to a soulless state apparatus

incapable of moral discernment. They are taking from God what

no atheist would dare and giving to Caesar what he has never dared

claim for himself. The women in Right to Life groups want to

protect not fertilized eggs but motherhood and their own worth as

women in God’s eyes as well as man’s. They will learn the crudest

lesson of history: “Every decent End consumes itself. You kill

yourself trying to reach it, and by the time you get there it’s been

turned inside out. ” 14 The words were written by Soviet dissident

Abram Tertz (Andrei Sinyavsky), but every passionate political activist of conscience—whatever the “decent End”—has had occasion to say them, in trouble and in grief. What one means to do goes

wrong, it becomes what one abhors. Right to Life women will see

it too late: they will stay mesmerized by the small tributes men pay

to the idea—not the reality—of women as mothers. The power the

Right to Life women are fighting so hard to put into the hands of

the state will eventually and inevitably be used (1) to redefine when

life begins and what life is so that the male becomes its sole creator

and (2) to determine and enforce which women reproduce, when,

and how. The women not needed will have no claim to civil dignity or civil protection. The reason for female submission finally will be very simple and overwhelmingly clear: for women submission will be a matter of life or death, with the right of appeal to the sacredness of women as mothers no longer in the vocabulary of

male supremacy.

When women cease to be altogether necessary, politically dissident women become altogether unnecessary. Once women are biologically expendable on a grand scale, political women need no longer be tolerated on any scale. Politically dissident women are

considered unnecessary now: this is the mood toward feminists and

other women who rebel; someday it will be policy, not a mood.

The criteria for politically dissident women—troublemakers—will

be extended to include any women not domestics, sex prostitutes,

or reproductive prostitutes. The religiously orthodox women will

find themselves characterized as politically dissident women one

day too: there they will be, advocating and upholding old laws,

customs, and ideas that are no longer in the best interests of men.

They will be demanding more than men want them to have and

there will be no concessions from men: because men will be able to

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