minister’s view of will of, 112
Bryant and Mailer views of,
M. Morgan’s discovery of will of,
compared, 40-41
Christians and, 109-11
Paul, Jews and, 136-38
death for, 111, 119
and Right to Life women, 193
hatred and fear of, 121-22
right-wing woman’s view of men
hatred of, as sex hatred, 121
and women before, 117
among Hebrews, 109, 112,
and role of men, 212, 216
127-31, 134, 135
Sodom and Gomorrah and,
as “Jew sickness, ” 115
and Jews as part of Christian
and trying to please, 23
Right, 139-40
welfare and state as instrument
male (sixties), 90
of, 167
meaning extinction, 143
woman cursed by, 144
a minister’s view of, 107, 110,
Goodman, Emily Jane, 15
Paul’s view of, 125-27, 137, 138
“Goon Squads” (LaRouche), 142#
resolution supporting rights of,
Gordon, Linda, 168
Green, Bob, 26-28, 29
right-wing women’s view of, 117
and Sodom, 133
and terror of extinction, 143-46
Hardy, Thomas, 205
Hospitals, 153
Human dignity, feminism and one
Sex hatred,
standard of, 219-20