Human Life Amendment, 151,
Himmler, Heinrich, 148-49
171, 236
Hipponax of Ephesus, 194
Hyde, Henry, 88
Hyde Amendment (1976), 88, 99
control of population of, 148
Hysteria, 158
hurt by, and dying from illegal
abortions, 98-99
in nursing homes, 155
Ideals, 63
as test subject for drugs, 149
Ideas, 40-43, 48-49
and welfare, 170, 171
and right-wing Jews, 141-42
Hitler, Adolf, 122, 148
Holder, Maryse, 64
Incest, 223
Holocaust, 122—23, 138
abortion and, 99
and Hebrews, 128, 129, 132-34
suitable, 166-67
Incestuous rape, 86-88
Jews, 34, 35, 148
(Strindberg), 125»
charges against, in Gospels,
Inquisition, 138
alnd Christian God, 10 9 -10 ,
Insults, 199-202
125-27, 136-38, 141
Intellect, 50
Christian view of, 109-12
Intelligence, 38-69
Christian women and, 1 19 -2 0
creative, 50-52
expression of hatred of, 33
as energy, 37-38
God of, as practical, 134-35
literacy and, 46—49
hatred of, as passion, 121