Not too many prostituting women got past twelve without
being sexual y abused, and not too many were childless, and
not too many lived lives as teenagers and adults without men
abusing them: “I was into drugs, in the limelights and the
glamorous life, and thought I was bet er than the whores on
the streets ’cause what I did was drove fancy cars and travel
around in airplanes, al this shit, but I was stil in the same pain
as everybody else, [and] instead of using men I started using
women for whatever my needs was. ” The media antifeminists
are not unlike the woman-using prostitutes and the strung-out
mothers - their venom goes in the direction of other women
because it is easier than taking on men. Is this ever going to
People play life as if it’s a game, whereas each step is a real
step. The shock of being unable to control what happens,
especially the tragedies, overwhelms one. Someone dies;
someone leaves; someone lies. There is sickness, misery, loneliness, betrayal. One is alone not just at the end but al the time. One tries to camouflage pain and failure. One wants
to believe that poverty can be cured by wealth, cruelty by
kindness; but neither is true. The orphan is always an orphan.
The worst immorality is in apathy, a deadening of caring
about others, not because they have some special claim but
because they have no claim at al .
The worst immorality is in disinterest, indifference, so that
the lone person in pain has no importance; one need not feel
an urgency about rescuing the suffering person.
The worst immorality is in dressing up to go out in order
not to have to think about those who are hungry, without
shelter, without protection.
The worst immorality is in living a trivial life because one
is afraid to face any other kind of life - a despairing life or an
anguished life or a twisted and difficult life.
The worst immorality is in living a mediocre life, because
kindness rises above mediocrity always, and not to be kind
locks one into an ethos of boredom and stupidity.
The worst immorality is in imitating those who give nothing.
The worst immorality is in conforming so that one fits in,
smart or fashionable, mock-heroic or the very best of the very
The worst immorality is accepting the status quo because
one is afraid of gossip against oneself.
The worst immorality is in selling out simply because one