submission. We must instead build communities where

violence is not the main dynamic o f human relationship,

where natural desire is the fundament o f community,

where androgyny is the operative premise, where tribe

based on androgyny and the social forms which would

develop from it are the bases o f the collective cultural

structure —noncoercive, nonsexist. As Julian Beck

wrote, the journey to love is not romantic. As many have

written, the journey to freedom is not romantic either —

nor is the way known precisely and for all time. We

begin here and now, inch by inch.

You do not teach someone to count only

up to eight. You do not say nine and ten

and beyond do not exist. You give people

everything or they are not able to count at

all. There is a real revolution or none at


Pericles Korovessis, in an interview

in Liberation, June 1973

The Revolution is not an event that takes

two or three days, in which there is shooting and hanging. It is a long drawn out

process in which new people are created,

capable of renovating society so that the

revolution does not replace one elite with

another, but so that the revolution creates

a new anti-authoritarian structure with

anti-authoritarian people who in their

turn re-organize the society so that it becomes a non-alienated human society, free

from war, hunger, and exploitation.

Rudi Dutschke, March 7, 1968

There is a misery of the body and a misery

of the mind, and if the stars, whenever we

looked at them, poured nectar into our

mouths, and the grass became bread, we

would still be sad. We live in a system that

manufactures sorrow, spilling it out of its

mill, the waters of sorrow, ocean, storm,

and we drown down, dead, too soon.

. . . uprising is the reversal of the system, and revolution is the turning of tides.

Julian Beck, The Life of the Theatre


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