Chicana sisters —and the men who in turn oppressed
them. This closely interwoven fabric o f oppression,
which is the racist class structure o f Amerika today,
assured that wherever one stood, it was with at least one
foot heavy on the belly o f another human being.
As white, middle-class women, we lived in the house
o f the oppressor-of-us-all who supported us as he
abused us, dressed us as he exploited us, “treasured”
us in payment for the many functions we performed.
We were the best-fed, best-kept, best-dressed, most
willing concubines the world has ever known. We had
Woman Hating
no dignity and no real freedom, but we did have good
health and long lives.
The women’s movement has not dealt with this
bread-and-butter issue, and that is its most awful
failure. There has been little recognition that the
people can be free and have dignity. T here is certainly
no program to deal with the realities of the class system
in Amerika. On the contrary, most of the women’s
movement has, with appalling blindness, refused to take
that kind o f responsibility. Only the day-care movement
has in any way reflected, or acted pragmatically on, the
concrete needs of all classes of women. The anger at
the Nixon administration for cutting day-care funds is
naive at best. Given the structure o f power politics and
capital in Amerika, it is ridiculous to expect the federal
government to act in the interests o f the people. The
money available to middle-class women who identify
as feminists must be channeled into the programs we
want to develop, and
middle-class women have absolutely refused to take any
action, make any commitment which would interfere
with, threaten, or significantly alter a lifestyle, a living
standard, which is moneyed and privileged.
The analysis of sexism in this book articulates
clearly what the oppression o f women is, how it functions, how it is rooted in psyche and culture. But that analysis is useless unless it is tied to a political consciousness and commitment which will totally redefine community. One cannot be free, never, not ever, in an
unfree world, and in the course o f redefining family,
church, power relations, all the institutions which inhabit and order our lives, there is no way to hold onto privilege and comfort. T o attempt to do so is destructive, criminal, and intolerable.
T h e nature o f women’s oppression is unique: women