Androgyny: Androgyny, Fucking, and Community


Since there can be total contradiction between/

among any o f the above, since we have discussed some

(by no means all) o f the cross-sexed characteristics o f

human biological functioning, since we recognize hermaphroditism and parthenogenesis as human realities, we are justified in making a radical new formulation o f

the nature o f human sexuality. We are, clearly, a multi-

sexed species which has its sexuality spread along a vast fluid

continuum where the elements called male and female are

not discrete *

T he concrete implications o f multisexuality as we

find it articulated in both androgynous mythology and

biology necessitate the total redefinition o f scenarios o f

proper human sexual behavior and pragmatic forms

o f human community. I f human beings are multisexed,

then all forms o f sexual interaction which are directly

rooted in the multisexual nature o f people must be part

o f the fabric o f human life, accepted into the lexicon o f

human possibility, integrated into the forms o f human

community. By redefining human sexuality, or by

defining it correctly, we can transform human relationship and the institutions which seek to control that relationship. Sex as the power dynamic between men and women, its primary form sadomasochism, is what we

know now. Sex as community between humans, our

shared humanity, is the world we must build. What


T h e notion o f bisexuality is organically rooted to structural polarity

and is inappropriate here for these reasons: the word itself has duality built

into it; one can be bisexual and still relate to the fictions “ male” and “ fem ale'

— to both instead o f to one; one can be bisexual and still relate exclusively to

one role, the masculine or the fem inine, w hether found in men or women.


Woman Haling

kind of sexual identity and relation will be the substance of that community?

Heterosexuality and Homosexuality/

There are men I could spend eternity with,

But not this life.

Kathleen Norris

a little zen in our politics a little acid in

our tea, could be all we need, the poof

is in the putting.

Jill Johnston

I have defined heterosexuality as the ritualized

behavior built on polar role definition. Intercourse

with men as we know them is increasingly impossible.

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