It requires an aborting of creativity and strength, a

refusal of responsibility and freedom: a bitter personal

death. It means remaining the victim, forever annihilating all self-respect. It means acting out the female role, incorporating the masochism, self-hatred, and passivity

which are central to it. Unambiguous conventional

heterosexual behavior is the worst betrayal of our common humanity.

That is not to say that “men” and “women” should

not fuck. Any sexual coming together which is genuinely pansexual and role-free, even if between men and women as we generally think of them (i. e., the biological

images we have of them), is authentic and androgynous.

Specifically, androgynous fucking requires the destruction

* For bisexuality, cf. p. 183.

Androgyny: Androgyny, Fucking, and Community


of all conventional role-playing, of genital sexuality as the

primary focus and value, of couple formations, and of the

personality structures dominant-active (“ male”) and sub-

missive-passive (“female”).

Homosexuality, because it is by definition antagonistic to two-sex polarity, is closer at its inception to androgynous sexuality. However, since all individual

consciousness and social relationship are polluted by

internalized notions o f polarity, coupling, and role-

playing, the criteria cited above must also be applied to

homosexual relation. T oo often homosexual relation

transgresses gender imperatives without transforming


An exclusive commitment to one sexual formation,

whether homosexual or heterosexual, generally means

an exclusive commitment to one role. An exclusive

commitment to one sexual formation generally involves the denial o f many profound and compelling kinds o f sensuality. An exclusive commitment to one

sexual formation generally means that one is, regardless o f the uniform one wears, a good soldier o f the culture programmed effectively to do its dirty work.

It is by developing one’s pansexuality to its limits

(and no one knows where or what those are) that one

does the work o f destroying culture to build community.


How can I really care if we win “the Revolution” ? Either way, any way, there will be

no place for me.

A transsexual friend, in a conversation


Woman Haling

Transsexuality is currently considered a gender

disorder, that is, a person learns a gender role which

contradicts his/her visible sex. It is a “disease” with

a cure: a sex-change operation will change the person’s

visible sex and make it consonant with the person’s felt


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