pornography distributed, against seller(s) for pornography sold, or against exhibitor(s) for pornography exhibited, prior to the effective date of this law.
The purpose of money damages in lawsuits is to compensate
the victim for the injury. While it is impossible truly to compensate anyone for the harm of pornography, it is also impossible truly to compensate for the injury of libel, wrongful death, dismemberment, medical malpractice, and most other personal injuries that are compensated al the time. The particular point of damages under this civil-rights law is twofold: to recognize
that something that belonged to the victim was wrongly taken
from her, and to provide restitution in the same terms that provided the pornographers with an incentive to take it in the first place. Pornographers are in the pornography business to make
money. As a mat er of policy, any scheme to stop them must recognize that a major motivation to abuse is financial.
Any person who violates this law may be enjoined, except that (a) no temporary or permanent injunction shall issue prior to a final judicial determination that
the challenged activities constitute a violation of this
law, and (b) no temporary or permanent injunction
shall extend beyond such materials that, having been
described with reasonable specificity by the injunction,
have been determined to be validly proscribed under
this law.
The civil-rights injunction is a recognized tool for relieving
The Ordinance
civil-rights abuses in schools, housing, employment, prisons,
mental-health facilities, and coundess other settings. Yet, applied to pornography, this provision is often mischaracterized as a “ban. ” It works the same way al civil-rights injunctions
work: once a practice is shown to injure its victims, a court can
issue an order to stop it. In a case of coercion, the court could
stop the coerced materials from being sold. In a case of force,
the court could stop the forcing of pornography from continuing. In a case of assault, the court could stop the material proven to have caused the assault from being distributed or sold further. In a case of trafficking, the court could stop materials
proven to subordinate on the basis of sex from being made, circulated, sold, or shown. None of these steps could be taken until al the appeals in the case were through, and it could be taken
only against materials that have been specifical y described.
Should any part(s) of this law be found legally invalid,
the remaining part(s) remain valid, if consistent with
the overall intent of this law.
Most laws have a provision that invites courts to uphold
some parts of the law even if it finds other parts of it invalid.
The Indianapolis Ordinance was particularly careful to permit a reviewing court to uphold the law against actual presentations of a woman being subordinated, even if other parts of the law were invalidated.
Complaints under this law must be filed within six
years of the discriminatory acts alleged.
Abuse through pornography often occurs over a long period of time, ending only when the victim can find the resources or means or self-respect to escape. The impact of the abusive process, coupled with the fact that the society protects
Pornography and Civil Rights