Fourteen (14) members shall be appointed by the mayor and
eight (8) members shal be appointed by the city-county
council. In addition, the chief officer shal be an ex officio
member of the board. In making appointments, the mayor and
the city-county council shal consider the fol owing:
(a) No more than seven (7) members of the board
appointed by the mayor shall be from any one political
party. No more than four (4) members of the board
appointed by the city-county council shal be from any one
political party.
(b) In making appointments to the board, the mayor and
the city-county council shal take into consideration al
interests in the community, including but not limited to age,
racial, ethnic, sexual, religious and economic groups,
business, labor, the handicapped and the general public.
(2) A board member may be removed for just cause, including
nonattendance, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board.
(3) In the event of the death, resignation or removal of any
member of the board prior to the expiration of his/her term,
the appointing authority shal make an appointment to fil the
vacancy for the unexpired term of the member.
(4) In making the original appointments to the board, the
mayor shall designate five (5) appointees to serve three-year
terms; five (5) appointees to serve two-year terms and four (4)
appointees to serve one-year terms; and the city-county council
shal designate three (3) appointees to serve three-year terms;
three (3) appointees to serve two-year terms and two (2)
appointees to serve one-year terms. Subsequent appointments
shal be for three-year terms beginning on the first day of
January and ending three (3) years later on the last day of
Appendix B: The Indianapolis Ordinance
December. Any member of the board whose term has expired
may continue in of ice until a successor has been appointed.
(5) The mayor shal appoint from the membership of the
board, a chairperson who shal serve a one-year term and until
his/her successor is appointed and qualified, but serves at the
pleasure of the mayor.
(6) The chairperson shal appoint a vice-chairperson and a
secretary to serve during his/her term of of ice.
Sec. 16-9. Same — Meetings; vote required for board action.
The board shal hold regular meetings every two (2) months on a
day agreed upon by the board. The board shal hold special
meetings as may be cal ed by two-thirds (2/3) of the membership.
One-half (1/2) of the members of the board, excluding vacancies,
shal constitute a quorum at any meeting. A majority vote of those
in attendance shal be necessary for action, except in the case of a