determination after hearing provided in section 16-26, when a

majority of the members of the board not disqualified from

participation in such determination shal be required. The chief

of icer shal not be al owed to vote, except in case of a tie, when the

chief of icer may cast the deciding vote.

Sec. 16-10. Same — General powers and duties.

The board shal have the fol owing powers and duties:

(1) To appoint an executive commit ee, a majority of which

shal constitute a quorum, which committee shal be authorized

to act upon emergency mat ers between meetings of the board;

provided, however, the executive committee shal not take any

action inconsistent with action previously taken or policies

adopted by the board, and the executive committee shal not

exercise any of the powers or functions of the board under

sections 16-17 through 16-27. Al of icers of any executive

committee appointed by the board must be members of the


(2) To establish three (3) standing commit ees, composed of

seven (7) board members each, to deal with the following

subject mat er:

a. Internal employment practices,

b. Contract compliance,

c. Complaint adjudication.

The chairperson shal appoint the board members to each

committee. No board member shal serve on more than one


Pornography and Civil Rights

committee. The chairperson shal be an ex officio member of each

committee but have voting privileges only in case of a tie, when

he/she may cast the deciding vote. The board may establish any

additional committees as in its judgment wil aid the board in

effectuating the purposes of this chapter.

(3) To advise the office in formulating policies designed to

effectuate the purposes of this chapter and to make such

recommendations to the mayor and the city-county council as

the board shal deem appropriate to implement such policies.

(4) To adopt, amend and rescind procedural and substantive

rules and regulations for the conduct of its af airs, not

inconsistent with the provisions or intent and purposes of this

chapter, as the board shal deem necessary or appropriate. The

rules or regulations shal be adopted only after notice is given

and a hearing is held thereon in the manner provided by state

law relating to rule-making by state agencies. Any rule or

regulation adopted by the board shal be submitted to the

corporation counsel for approval as to legality. Upon approval

by the corporation counsel, the board shal cause the rule or

regulation to be printed or duplicated m such a manner as to

be readily available to interested persons and the public, and

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