pertinent to the complaint or response thereto, to subpoena
witnesses and compel their at endance; to require the
production of pertinent books, papers or other documents;
and to administer oaths. The complainant shal have the right
to be represented by the chief officer or any attorney of his/her
choice. The respondent shall have the right to be represented
by an attorney or any other person of his/her choice. The
complainant and respondent shall have the right to appear in
person at the hearing, to be represented by an attorney or any
other person, to subpoena and compel the attendance of
witnesses, and to examine and cross-examine witnesses. The
complaint adjudication committee may adopt appropriate rules
for the issuance of subpoenas and the conduct of hearings
under this section. The complaint adjudication committee and
the board shall have the power to enforce discovery and
subpoenas by appropriate petition to the Marion County
circuit or superior courts.
adjudication committee shall prepare a report containing
written recommended findings of fact and conclusions and file
such report with the of ice. A copy of the report shal be
furnished to the complainant and respondent, each of whom
shal have an opportunity to submit written exceptions within
such time as the rules of the complaint adjudication committee
shal permit The complaint adjudication committee may, in its
discretion, upon notice to each interested party hear further
evidence or argument upon the issues presented by the report
and exceptions, if any.
the opinion that any respondent has engaged or is engaging in
a discriminatory practice in violation of the chapter, it shal
Appendix B: The Indianapolis Ordinance
state its findings of fact and conclusions and serve a copy
thereof upon the complainant and the respondent. In addition,
the committee may cause to be served on the respondent an
order requiring the respondent to cease and desist from the
unlawful discriminatory practice and requiring such person to
take further af irmative action as wil ef ectuate the purposes of
this chapter, including but not limited to the power to restore
complainant’s losses incurred as a result of discriminatory
treatment, as the committee may deem necessary to assure
justice; to require the posting of notice setting forth the public
policy of Marion County concerning equal opportunity and
respondent’s compliance with said policy in places of public
accommodations; to require proof of compliance to be filed by