Did he love her?


His breath came faster as he began thinking about the past few weeks. Sure, they’d just reconnected, but he’d known her all his life. He knew about the freckle on her hip, her aversion to pickles or anything green, and finally her laugh.

Oh, he knew her laugh, because it made him feel like a damn superhero when he made her laugh.

And now he felt like an ass because the last time she’d laughed was too long ago and he truly was part of the reason for her tears.

With a curse he got up from the dock and made his way back toward the house. 

Chapter Forty-four

Char drank her second glass of wine and took a seat at the large table set up outside. The dinner was a catered event with full-on entertainment. It should have been hosted by Kacey’s parents but because they were gone, the entire Titus clan was footing the bill for everything.

A few food tents were scattered to the side. The main table for the wedding party was long and covered with different types of tropical flowers and candles. All of it was heartbreakingly romantic.

Grandma took a seat next to Char and eyed her glass of wine. “How many of those have you had?”

“Enough.” Char sighed.

“Hmmph.” Grandma reached into her large purse and pulled out a manila envelope. “The pastor gave me permission to have you and Jake sign separately since you’re in such a huff.”

Char eyed the marriage license. “Isn’t this supposed to be filled out tomorrow?”

“Agh.” Grandma waved her off. “It’s just one more detail we won’t have to worry about. Sign here.” The paper was only pulled slightly out of the envelope so most of it was covered, which was just better when Char thought about it. She didn’t want to even see the spot where Jake was supposed to sign. They’d both lost their tempers. She couldn’t even remember why she was so mad at him. If she really thought about it, it wasn’t anger, really; it was total and complete humiliation and rejection.

He’d made her fall for him.

And she had—hard.

After the wedding they’d go their separate ways and she’d be on her couch jobless and lamenting the fact that the one guy she’d ever loved didn’t love her back, or didn’t want her enough to try to love her.

Char signed her name quickly and handed the pen back to Grandma.

“Now, now.” Grandma patted Char’s back. “Everything’s going to work out just fine. You trust your Grandma.”

“Only one problem,” Char leaned into Grandma and whispered. “You aren’t my Grandma.”

The smile on Grandma’s face widened just slightly before it went back to normal size. “Why, of course I am. Remember when I told you I would ruin Jake?”

Char didn’t really want to talk about Jake; she nodded but tried to pretend she wasn’t interested.

“He was already ruined.” Grandma patted Char’s hand. “The minute he set eyes on you in that wedding gown. I bought it, you know.”

“What?” Char shrieked, gaining attention from the guests around the table waiting for the first course. She coughed and hid behind her dark hair. “Tell me you’re joking, Grandma!”

“Oops.” Grandma shrugged. “I thought you liked that dress. And it was so pretty on you. Truly divine.” She poured herself a glass of wine and closed her eyes as she took a deep sip, then placed the glass back on the table. “Besides, you may need it one of these days.”

“Right.” Char fought back tears. “I guess anything’s possible.”

“Oh, but it is.” Grandma said. “Did you know I always wanted to be a fairy godmother?”


“Most girls want to be the princess in the story. I want to be the fairy godmother.”

Was she drunk? Already?

“Okay.” Char squinted. “Well, all you need is a wand and some magic, and anything’s possible.”

“Got my wand, and all grandmas have magic.” She shrugged. “So, tell me about Jace.”

“He’s…” Char looked down the table. His blond hair was combed back, revealing perfect green eyes and a chiseled face. “Nice.”

Grandma sputtered with laughter. “Oh dear, that man is many things. ‘Nice’ would not be the word I would use to describe him. He’s damn sexy is what he is. A beast among men.”

“Grandma.” Char groaned. “Keep your voice down.”

“Well.” Grandma lifted her hands in the air. “All I’m saying is, that man could make a girl melt with just one stare.” As if hearing them, Jace looked at Grandma and winked. “Good Lord, I think I just experienced a mini- stroke.”

“Seriously?” Char reached for the elderly woman’s arm in panic.

“Well.” Grandma winked back at Jace. “If that was a stroke, I want another.”

Char felt her face heat.

“He doesn’t turn your clock?” Grandma asked.

Char choked on her wine and began coughing wildly as Grandma smacked her hard on the back. “Dear, drink slower. You’ll get a stain on that pretty yellow sundress.”

“Right. It was the wine that did it,” Char croaked. “Not the clock turning.”

“Well.” Grandma leaned forward and whispered. “What do you kids call it these days? Does he get you —”

“Grandma!” Char hissed. “Stop, just stop.” She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. “He’s a nice guy, but not…” She was about to say ‘not Jake’ when he came in and sat at the end of the table. Her eyes betrayed her will as they greedily took in every damn plane of his perfect body. Jake leaned forward on the table, his forearms brushing against the flowers scattered around his plate. Oh, but if she were only a flower.

“I see,” Grandma said in a low voice. “He’s not my grandson.”

“What?” Char pulled her gaze from Jake and began twisting her hands in her lap.

“Jace.” Grandma pointed. “He could be two steps above Marlon Brando and you’d still look at him as if he were nothing but a stand-in.”

“Marlon Brando? Stand in?” Char smiled tightly but didn’t glance up at Grandma.

“For the one you really want.” Grandma placed her hand on Char’s, calming her down. A few diamond rings shone from her fingers as she continued to pat. “My grandson. You’re in love with him.”

“I’m—” But she couldn’t deny it so instead she met Grandma’s gaze and said, “Please don’t tell him.”

Jerking back, Grandma snorted. “Honey, if he don’t know you love him now, he’s an idiot. Then again, he is a man.” She looked in his direction and threw her hands in the air. “He looks miserable. Probably all the sex he’s not having.”

And there went Char’s racing heartbeat. Did Grandma just say ‘sex’ again? At the dinner table?

This time her words drew the attention of Travis and Kacey, who both gave her pleading looks as if to say please, no more embarrassing moments.

Pastor Jim choked on his wine, while the table fell silent.

Helpless, Char looked to Grandma.

“I was discussing Petunia.”

Oh no. Petunia stiffened across the table, and her eyes narrowed on Grandma as if she was the spawn of Satan. “I do not say such vulgar words.”

“No, you just knit and read dirty books.”

“Well, I never—”

“Don’t deny it.” Grandma swirled her wine in her glass. “I’ve seen those books firsthand. You aren’t as prudish as you let on, sister.”

Petunia’s lips pinched together as she looked around the table. “She’s clearly drunk.”

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