straight. I want to do that to you. I want to make you mine.”

“Yours?” Her eyes welled with tears.

“I’m a very possessive man if you can’t tell. I’m done walking away.”

“Can you promise me that?”

Jake cupped her face with his hands. “Forever. That’s my offer.”

“So this is a business arrangement?” She gave him a teasing smile.

“Absolutely.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “I’ll of course make you sign this insane gag order drawn up by lawyers who have nothing better to do than to protect me. You’ll have to sign on the dotted line—you know, the usual—that you’ll be my love slave at all hours of the day and night. Then I’ll punish you when you try to leave me.”

“Nice. If you were still a CEO I could call you Christian Grey.”

“Jake Titus!” Grandma’s shout could have awakened the dead. “Where are you! I need to speak with you!”

“Do we run?” Char asked.

“Grandma sees all. It’s like hiding from God.”

With a sigh, they broke apart. Jake lifted her hand to his lips. “We can talk later.”

“About the whole forever thing?” Her eyes looked hopeful, which made his heart basically jump in his chest.

“Yeah, about this forever thing.”

“There you are!” Grandma panted. “I looked everywhere for you two! It’s time for the toast! Wait. Where’s Jace?”

“Sleeping,” a voice said behind them. “I decided to take a nap.”

“In the wine cellar?” Grandma crossed her arms. “Oh dear! What in the blue blazes happened to your eye?”

“Squirrel.” Jace’s gaze narrowed in on Jake. “Seems it found its nuts after all and attacked me, damn thing.”

“Oh.” Grandma nodded. “Right. Well, I’m sure his nuts aren’t near as impressive as he’d like us to believe.”

“Oh, but they are.” Char piped up.

Jake gave her a wicked grin.

Jace covered his smile and looked sternly at Grandma. “If you’re ready, we should probably go back to dinner.”

“Okay.” She took his arm and led him away from Jake and Char.

“Thanks.” Jake grabbed her hand. “For defending my manhood.”

“Ah, it’s taken a pretty big hit lately. Thought I’d help you out.”

With a smug grin Jake tugged her into his body and whispered, “I think it’s going to be more like me helping you out later.”

“We’ll see.” Her eyes met his for a brief moment before she blinked and looked away.

Chapter Forty-seven

Kacey couldn’t help but notice Jace’s black eye as he made his way back to the main table. Char and Jake followed close behind, both of their heads touching. Char laughed. Jake touched her arm.

Oh no.

Kacey’s eyes narrowed as she sent a seething glare toward Grandma, who was at that moment trying to pat herself on the back.

“She’s winning.” Kacey jabbed Travis in the ribs.

“Believe me.” He banged his head loudly against the table. “I know.”

“Oh stop. You have twenty-four hours left.”

“It’s been the longest two weeks of my life.” Travis sighed. “What’s another twenty-four hours?” He put his arm around Kacey, then tensed.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“He kissed her.”


“That sly son of a bitch.” Travis grinned. “Look at him.”

Kacey looked where Travis was pointing. Jake was smiling at his plate and twirling his wine glass with his fingers. Every few seconds his eyes would meet Char’s and they’d share a private smile.

“Bloody hell,” Travis muttered.

“Still doesn’t work. You aren’t British,” Kacey sighed.

Grandma stood and lifted her glass. “The best man had a few words he wanted to say to the bride and groom. Jake?”

Jake licked his lips and stood, holding his glass out in front of him. “I kissed you first.”

Kacey burst out laughing while Travis growled.

With a wink, Jake continued. “I seem to remember a stupid bet my brother and I made about marrying the girl next door. Well, brother, I think you won. Thanks for the bill by the way, I appreciate it. You’ve both been a huge part of my life, and I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see both of my best friends marrying each another. To the bride and groom!” He lifted his glass.

“Cheers!” Everyone said in unison.

Jake motioned to Jace. “Didn’t you want to say a few words?”

Jace waved him off. “Nah, I think you said it all.”

“Holy crap,” Kacey whispered. “Something is very, very wrong. They’ve been at each other’s throats all week!”

Travis looked from Char to Jake, back to Jake, and then to Jace. “I don’t get it. They all seem perfectly normal.”

Kacey gripped Travis’s hand like a vise. Grandma winked at both of them and then pointed to the ground.

At her damn microphone case.

“Shit,” Travis muttered. “Damn woman’s going to beat us.”

“I think,” Kacey pointed to Jake, “she already has.”

Jake was sitting across from Char, making such inappropriately lustful gazes that Kacey wasn’t sure if she should just take pity on Travis and cover his eyes for him.

But when she turned to say something to Travis, a wicked smile had formed at his lips.

“Uh oh,” Kacey said. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking we’re going to get even.”


“He wants her so bad.” Travis chuckled. “And he thinks he’s going to get her, tonight, but—”


“What type of brother would I be if I didn’t protect my brother’s heart? What type of person would I be if I didn’t protect poor Char’s virtue?” He shook his head and raised his hand to his chest. “I couldn’t live with myself…”

“Jake’s going to murder me.”

“Misery loves company.” Travis took a long gulp of water. “Yes it does.” 

Chapter Forty-eight

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