past her teeth to taste her. “God, you’re amazing.” He mumbled against her lips as he nipped at her mouth and explored every single crevice of her face. Hands roaming all over her, it was impossible to think or do anything except respond to him as he coaxed her, touched her, loved her.

With a sigh, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed, gently laying her across it. He pulled away, and watched her, his eyes darkening with need, yet he held himself back.

Smiling, he dove his fingers into her hair and fanned it out around her head, combing through it over and over again as if hypnotized by the way it felt around his fingers.

“I’ve dreamed of this you know.” Jake said. “of the way your hair would look against this bed, against satin sheets, against anything really. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

Char opened her mouth to speak but he shushed her with his finger.

His head descended as he kissed her neck and then moved up to her ear, licking the tip and then blowing into it, causing goose bumps to flare across her body.

“So responsive.” His lips moved across her jaw and down her neck to the other ear. He repeated the process, and then placed a wet kiss in the middle of her chest, and blew softly across the wetness as her body once again flared to life, every nerve on edge, waiting in anticipation for his next move.

His hands were warm as they cupped her butt and slid her down on the bed. The heat from his body scorched her as he hovered over her, and his eyes never left her face as he moved his hands from her hips to her thighs. “Tonight, it’s not about me. It’s about you, only you.”


And then all conscious thought left her as Jake’s hands worked their magic with her body. When she cried out, he placed a kiss on her forehead, and then her eyelids, and then his hands massaged down her thighs to her calves, and back up to her shoulders. It was like living in the best erotic dream of her life; every kiss, every sensation was like a drug.

When he finally pressed into her, she was so on edge that she couldn’t help but scream his name.

And that’s when his self-control, aching slowness, and all around patience snapped and in its place there was a wild, possessive man in love, who was doing everything in his power to claim her as his.

“I love you,” he whispered as their bodies moved together, sweat causing them to slide against each other.

Char’s world exploded—it changed. Colors were brighter, feelings were tighter, and her soul joined with his.

“Forever,” he whispered, out of breath. “Mine forever.” 

Chapter Fifty-one

They must have fallen asleep. Jake hadn’t been able to stop after the first time, or the second. Damn, he was lucky to have enough energy left to lift his head. The rest of the wedding party probably assumed he was pouting. That couldn’t be further from the truth: he was elated, sated, still aroused—hell, how was that possible? He drank in the sight of Char’s creamy skin, the way her chestnut hair fell over her shoulders. Incredible, she was incredible. He sighed and looked out the window. The sky was dark. Jake bolted out of bed when he heard voices coming down the hall.

“Char!” He nudged her. “Wake up!”

The sheet fell from her.

War raged inside him. Take her again or chance that the door was unlocked and his grandmother would see firsthand what happened when he was sent to his room with a dead sexy girl.

Grandma yelled something.

Fear won out. “Hurry!” He jumped out of bed and threw her dress at her.

Jake grabbed his pants and shirt and put them on as fast as he could. By the time the knob turned he was trying to straighten the bed.

The door opened.

Char sat at the edge of the bed and folded her hands. Jake joined her and exhaled.

Grandma burst through the door. “Where have you two been?”

“Here.” Jake cleared his throat. “You’re the one who sent us here to begin with.”

Travis and Kacey followed Grandma into the room. Oh great. Jake tried to keep the guilt from his face, but Travis’s knowing glance told him he was doing a really crappy job of looking innocent. Was it his fault that he couldn’t keep himself from smiling like he’d just won the lottery? He felt his smile widen; well hell. May as well embrace the fact that he wasn’t hiding anything from his brother.

“What were you two doing… alone?” Grandma folded her arms, her bracelets jingling on her wrists at the contact. “No hanky panky, right?”

“No, ma’am.” Jake shook his head and cleared his throat. “We were just playing—”

“Charades.” Char nodded.

“With two people?” Grandma’s eyes narrowed as she looked behind Char toward the bed.

“Sure.” Jake choked on his laugh—naked charades, classic. “It’s a new thing.”

Travis groaned loudly. “Damn, I wish I was playing charades.”

“Find your own partner!” Jake snapped.

“It’s not the partner that’s the problem; it’s the game warden.” He glared at Grandma.

“Are we still talking about Charades?” Grandma asked innocently.

“Yup!” Char offered a fake laugh. “It’s… uh, the game just got intense.”

“I bet it did,” Travis grumbled.

“Who won?” This from Kacey.

“Me,” Jake and Char said in unison.

“How many times did you play?” Kacey asked, but was nudged in the ribs by Travis. “What?”

“Not helping.”

“Sorry.” She muttered while Jake saw Char hold up four fingers.

Kacey gave her a thumbs up.

“Not that any of my ridiculous grandsons are paying attention to me.” Grandma walked over to the chair where Char’s bra was hanging and sat.

Jake’s eyes widened in horror.

Travis chuckled.

Kacey swiftly walked behind Grandma and pulled the bra onto the floor. “I’m paying attention, Grandma.”

“I just, I needed to tell Char and Jake before it was too late.”

“Too late?” Char asked. “For what?”

“An annulment, of course!” Grandma shouted. “What else would I be worried about?”

Jake’s mouth opened and then closed. “Why the hell would we need an annulment, we aren’t married.”

“About that.” Grandma played with a thread on her shirt. “It seems the document you signed, in the bride’s and groom’s spots… technically, you’re husband and wife.” She lifted her shoulders into the air. “Oops?”

“Oops?” Jake repeated. “Oops, my ass! You planned this!”

“How dare you!” Grandma stood. “Even I wouldn’t stoop so low as to trick my favorite grandson into marriage.”

“I was your favorite this morning.” Travis clearly felt the need to add.

Grandma ignored him. “You’ll just have to stay married. After all this family doesn’t believe in divorce and by the state of Char’s hair I’m guessing you’ve already”—Grandma had the good sense to blush—“played Charades.” Then as if remembering she was Grandma and truly possessed no censor looked at Char. “Tell me, dear, how was the game?”

Char blushed and reached for Jake’s hand. “Life altering, earth moving, soul searching.”

Jake’s heart beat a little faster at her admission; she’d repeated what he’d said earlier. Oh to hell with it. He grabbed the back of her head and kissed the hell out of her. Their lips met in a frenzy. He broke the kiss too soon,

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