

'You're equivocating.'

'I'm what?'

'Equivocating. Being deliberately ambiguous. There have been conflicts, but you do not wish to admit to, or dwell on them, perhaps?'

'Well . . .' Harry frowned lightly, drawing his lower lip between upper and lower teeth. Severus wanted to smear the peppery Salpician Potion on the boy's lips, to train him out of that habit before it was too ingrained. Such an obvious display of nervousness went against everything Slytherin. For the time being, though, he simply made a mental note to address the issue later. 'I guess. I mean, no one gets along with everyone, right?'

'Correct. However, I believe some of your difficulties have less to do with you not getting along with everyone, and more to do with your history and the reason behind your fame.' Severus was speculating wildly here, having not heard of any specific troubles coming out of his House, but he was well acquainted with human nature, especially when it came to his Snakes.

'My history . . . Oh. You mean because of Voldemort?'

Severus winced. 'Do not say his name, Potter. Not in my presence.'

'I . . .' Harry frowned a bit, then nodded. 'Yes, sir.'

Inclining his head, Severus pressed, 'Your conflicts?'

Harry looked down at his hands. 'Teddy's pointed out a couple kids whose parents were allied with Vol . . . er, with him, and I think there's a few others who don't like me because of that.'

Severus could just imagine. Mr. Nott was a standout because he didn't seem to harbor resentment on behalf of his father. 'What form does this dislike take?' he asked.

'Oh, er, just, like name-calling mostly. Nobody's ever beat me up or anything.'

'I am glad to hear it.'

'Except Professor Quirrell.'

With a sigh, Severus nodded. 'I know. I am trying my best to have him removed, but am running into unexpected obstacles.'

'Like the Headmaster.'

It wasn't a question, and Severus stared at the boy, boggled again by how well Harry seemed to appreciate the difficulties he was up against here at Hogwarts. 'Indeed.'

Harry nodded solemnly and his lip disappeared between his teeth again to be chewed for a few moments. Before Severus could admonish him for the behavior, he said, 'Sir? Was the Headmaster the one who left me with the Dursleys?'

'Why do you ask?'

A corner of the boy's mouth quirked up. 'Well, I figure, you're asking questions, so I could ask questions, too.'

'That is an unwarranted assumption.'

'Yes, sir.' Harry hesitated, and Severus held his gaze. 'Will you answer anyway?'

Severus considered the pros and cons of doing so. He would like to know what

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