'Never mind. Forget it.'

'Yes, sir.'

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose.

'Are we done, sir?'

Without looking up, Severus said, 'What form, besides name-calling, have your conflicts taken?'

As he had planned, the boy was enough taken aback by the swift change in subject to not hide his reaction. He shrugged and looked away. His shoulders hunched. But at least he did not deny such other incidents existed.

'Tell me.'

'I'm not sure it even--'

'Just tell me.'

The boy sighed, tucked his hands under his armpits, and if he could have, he probably would have drawn up his knees in front of his chest to protect himself further. He would not look at Severus. 'There's, um, this guy who kinda . . . I dunno. He's, um . . . he touches me.'

Severus stood up and took a long stride toward Harry without thinking. Touched him!? The boy was meant to be safe within their House! 'Has he hurt you?'

Harry startled when Severus spoke, having not expected him to be so close. 'No . . . I mean, he just . . . makes me real uncomfortable.' One shoulder came up a bit higher. 'I don't like it much when people touch me.'

'That's understandable, Harry,' he said softly. Children who had been neglected and/or abused were often averse to physical contact, along with having a high startle reflex. Harry's cheeks were well on the way to red, when Severus added, 'And nothing to be ashamed of.'

'I guess.'

'Who was it?' Severus asked, still speaking quietly.

Harry shook his head.

'Tell me, Harry. Just like I want to know whenever you have pain in your scar, or interaction with Professor Quirrell that affects you negatively, or even debilitating nightmares, I also want to know of students who might be a danger to you.'

'I don't think he's a danger.'

'Harry . . .' He knew saying the boy's name was enough of a surprise it often took him off guard -- and wondered briefly how often he had been called 'Harry' by his relatives; not often, he would wager -- and he was willing to use any weapon in his arsenal to get through to this boy. 'Harry, would you let me be the judge of that?' He moved another step closer and sat on the corner of the desk, just in front of the boy. Folding his arms over his chest, he lifted an eyebrow. 'I have had a bit more experience ascertaining levels of danger of teenage boys.' Not to mention that of Death Eaters' sons.

'I guess. He just . . . Well, he only just said some stuff after the match yesterday. But Teddy, he and Millie said I should watch out for him 'cause his father was a supporter of . . . of him. And then last night, he . . . it was just weird.' Severus nodded and gestured for Harry to continue. 'I don't want any trouble. For me or him.'

'I understand. Like your friends, I shall just keep an eye out.'

'Okay, okay. It--' Harry broke off, slapping a hand to his forehead.

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