Ron pointed at the crouching, half hidden boy. 'Mum, George grabbed Harry and frightened him.'
With a small sigh, Mrs. Weasley frowned at the twin, then approached the snarling kneazle and the hidden boy and knelt in front of him, but did not try and touch either one. 'Harry, love, it's all right. Georgie didn't mean to frighten you.'
Blood pounded in his ears, and Harry stared at her, not really hearing her words, but rather the tone of her voice, which was oddly soothing. His breath came in stuttering gasps, and his palms were sweaty. He held his arms tight around his middle to keep them from shaking. He wasn't
But he wanted his father suddenly. He couldn't say so, though. Father was busy. He was with his students, and Harry was in the way, and so had to go with Mrs. Weasley. He couldn't have Nelli, either, 'cause he was too much trouble.
Everyone was staring at him. Even the girl, Ginny. He ducked his head, wanting to hide forever. 'M'sorry,' he whispered. 'Sorry, Mrs. Weasley.'
'Oh, Harry, dear heart, there's nothing to be sorry for.' Her face was kind, and open. She held out her hand for him to take if he wanted. 'Come on, now. Let's get the rest of the way down the hill. I've brought some games for you and the others to play.'
Harry bit his lip and peered at the other children, but didn't move to take her hand.
George ran a hand through his shock of red hair and scuffed a toe of his trainer in the grass. 'Hey, Harry, sorry for sneaking up on ye like that. I didn't realize you didn't like it.
'Don't call me that!' Ron growled, fists clenched by his sides. Then he turned back to Harry. 'They're just stupid, you know?' he said quietly.
'No, not stupid,' Harry said, and reached for Treacle, who jumped into his arms and butted his chin with her head. Having her in his arms soothed him more than any words. He took a deep, much slower breath. 'I jus' wasn't 'specting it.'
'Oh, sweetie, no one expects to be manhandled like that,' Mrs. Weasley said, and frowned at George again. 'But my twins are masters of doing the unexpected.'
Fred nodded. 'It's what we're--'
'—best at,' finished George. 'But I really am sorry.'
'S'okay,' Harry said. He shrugged and stood up, feeling embarrassed now. He was such a dunce; he should have known Mrs. Weasley wouldn't let him get hurt. 'Can we go now?'
'Of course, Harry dear.' Mrs. Weasley stood as well, but kept a closer eye on them as they continued down the hill to a fairly open, flat area near Hagrid's hut, but far enough away from the Forbidden Forest that it provided little temptation. Harry knew he wasn't allowed in there anyway. That was why it was
'All right,' Mrs. Weasley said. She pulled a small bag out of one of her pockets and put it on the ground before tapping it with her wand. The bag grew and grew and grew, and in seconds was almost as big as Harry.
He gaped at it, and Ron grinned. 'You never seen anything 'nlarged before?' Harry shook his head, and Ron continued, 'Mum's a wiz at it. She can pack more into a bag than Father Christmas.'
Harry gave him an uncertain smile; he didn't know from Father Christmas, but he suspected Ron meant Santa Claus, who always brought Dudders dozens of toys, but nothing for Harry because freaks and bad boys didn't get anything for Christmas.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Weasley was taking an assortment of things out of the huge bag and laying them out in a circle around herself. 'Ginny dear, will