
'The day went by fairly smoothly,' Mrs. Weasley said to Father when they had gathered back in the dungeon late in the afternoon. She had sent her children through the Floo already, after making sure that Mr. Weasley was home to be with them.

Harry was tucked in against Father's legs, and didn't even flinch when Father patted his head, smoothing the hair that had gotten stuck up in all directions during the game of Snitch chasing they'd had after lessons. It had been a smooth day, Harry thought. No one had tried to grab him or hurt him, and he hadn't gotten yelled at even once. Ron hadn't laughed at him for not knowing his letters, and Ginny had called Treacle Tart 'Very cute,' though that was before Tree caught a field mouse and worried it before eating it almost whole. He'd gotten to play with the Baku again, and everything.

'Is that so,' Father said in his low, cool voice.

'Yes.' Mrs. Weasley smiled down at Harry, and Harry hid his face a little from her, but she didn't say anything about that. 'Harry did some very good work today. Perhaps you can show your father later,' she suggested.

Harry nodded. 'Yes, ma'am,' he said from the folds of Father's robes.

She smiled again. 'We had no running off today, which was also very good. And Harry was able to ask for help with his writing, when he was having trouble with dripping ink. I very much appreciated that you asked me, Harry. I was glad to be able to help you.'

Harry felt his face burning and hid it again. But Father put some pressure on his shoulder. 'What do you say?' Father asked.

'Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. For helping me.'

Father squeezed his shoulder again, the kind of squeeze that made Harry feel like he'd done something good, and he could not help but smile. Father thought he was good.

'You're very welcome, Harry. We'll be back tomorrow, all right?'

'Yes, ma'am. Good night.'

'Good night, Harry dear. Severus.' She nodded once and bustled over to the fireplace where she disappeared in a wash of green flame.

Father crouched down, so he was looking Harry eye to eye. 'So,' he said, and his mouth made that little quirk of a smile. Harry grinned back at him. 'Tell me about what you learned today.'

TBC . . .


A/N: Thank you to everyone who reads and/or reviews this story! You guys are da bomb! In less auspicious news, my health issues have gone head to head with my day job, and alas, the day job lost. Thus, I must seek new employment . . . and write when possible. Please forgive overly long pauses between chapters, if you would.

*Chapter 14*: Chapter 14

Whelp II -- The Wrath of Snape

By jharad17

Chapter Fourteen


Father crouched down, so he was looking Harry eye to eye. 'So,' he said, and his mouth made that little quirk of a smile. Harry grinned back at him. 'Tell me about what you learned today.'

Harry spent the next twenty minutes -- while washing up for dinner -- doing just that. Severus could not help but smile as his son excited described something called a Baku, and how he had learned from the creature all about three new 'temp'rit region' plants, as well as how he had learned to write three new letters -- Z, Q, and W -- and how he had beat Ron in a maths quiz.

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