so be a word . . . .)

*Chapter 18*: Chapter 18

Whelp II -- The Wrath of Snape

By jharad17

Chapter Eighteen


'I'm sorry to intrude; I hope I haven't woken you--' the professor started.

Father interrupted, 'Just spit it out, already. Harry needs his sleep, as do I.'

'Very well, Severus. I hate to say it, but we were right. Sirius Black has been spotted in Hogsmeade.'

Severus sucked in a breath. 'Where?' he asked in a voice that was half gasp. 'When?'

'The Hogshead,' Albus said. 'Not two hours ago. I have a contact there who--'

'Never mind that now.' Severus turned to see Harry crouched against the wall in the hallway, and he beckoned the boy to him. Harry's expression was blank, but his thin shoulders were shaking ever so slightly, and his eyes were wide. Despite what assurances Severus had given him, it was obvious the boy was still afraid. And who would not be? Perhaps he was wrong in being so blunt about Black's history, and that bastard's motives in escaping. Perhaps he should have told the boy a sweet lie to make him feel better.

With a sigh, as Harry came into the circle of his arms, Severus decided, once more, not to do such a thing. Lies were for those without courage, and his son had courage in spades.

'I assume the wards have been adjusted?' In the discussion they'd had before Severus went to pick Harry up from the Weasleys, Albus had promised to make sure Black was specifically precluded from crossing the outer walls or entering through the gate into Hogwarts. Usually, former students were allowed access to the school, unless they had been individually banned.

'They have,' the Headmaster said quietly. He hesitated, then added, 'I'm afraid there's more. The Ministry has decided, based on the sighting at the Hogshead, to send Dementors to flush Black out.'

Severus could not prevent the gasp that left his lips. He hugged Harry more tightly to his chest, as if he could possibly protect his son from those abominations that way. 'Dementors, but . . .' They were never allowed away from Azkaban, so far as he knew. 'What about the students?'

'The students will be told in the morning about places where they must not stray. The Dementors have been instructed by the Minister, he informed me, to stay by the outer perimeter of the school and not to enter the grounds unless they are summoned.'

Shaking his head, Severus murmured, 'Fudge is a fool. Since when do such creatures stay away from large populations on one man's say so? If they get too close to the school, they will tear through the student body like paper.'

'I am well aware of the danger, Severus,' Albus said tiredly. 'The Minister is being particularly stubborn about this issue.'

For a moment, Severus wondered why that might be, and when a possible answer came to him, his heart froze in his chest. 'Do you think he knows about Harry?'

Albus' normal twinkle was gone already, so it was difficult to judge his emotional state, other than stressed and wary. Even so, the minute pause before he spoke was telling, in its own way. 'I do not believe so.'

'It is possible, however.'


Damn. Once the Minister learned about Harry's status as Severus Snape's son -- adopted or natural -- there would be an outcry, no doubt about it. The only question was whether it would be public or not. Further, it was likely the Minister would attempt to take Harry away from him, believing the Boy Who Lived should never be even close to a Death Eater, never mind claim relation to him. That Severus had left the Dark Lord's service almost two years before that monster's demise didn't enter into the equation. It was why they were keeping Harry's whereabouts hush-hush.

'Knows what about me, Father?' a soft voice asked. Harry was resting his head on Severus' shoulder, and his green eyes looked black in the dimmed light of the sitting room.

Severus gave the boy's forehead a quick kiss and tightened his hold on his son. 'That you are not with those Dursleys anymore.'

Harry's body went completely still. Severus could feel the tension in every muscle of his tiny body, and immediately, he began rubbing circles on Harry's back, trying to soothe him. 'Will the Mimster send me back?'

'No. Absolutely not. You're my son. You're staying with me.'

In fact, given the current situation, with Black on the loose, he had half a mind to never let Harry out of his arms again, at least, not until that maniacal murderer was captured or killed. Or had his soul sucked out by Dementors.

Harry relaxed minutely. Not enough, though, not by a long shot.

'Will you return to Spinner's End?' Albus asked through the Floo. 'I can make sure your classes are covered until this crisis is over.'

Giving the idea serious consideration, Severus pursed his lips. Albus' generosity with regard to his classes was unexpected, and Severus could not dismiss the idea out of hand as he might have. 'Perhaps. The Blood Wards will certainly keep Black out.'

'Assuming he means Harry harm.'

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