Sirius had nearly killed Argus Filch, the bastard, for saying as much. But Filch hadn't known Sirius was there. The caretaker had been going about his nasty business, with his nasty Miss Norris, and almost sing-songing what he would do when he got 'that li'l urchin of Snape's' back in his claws, no matter what curse that foul Snape had laid on him, and that he 'should've done th'whelp in like 'e deserv'd,' when he'd first gotten his hands on him, but he wouldn't make a mistake like that again, oh no. . . .

It had been too much for Sirius to bear without killing the man, and he had almost fled the school entirely, not wanting to hear anything more about what horrors might have been visited upon his Harry, by Filch or Snivellus or anyone else. Instead, he had collapsed in a corner of the Entry Hall hidden in shadows to lick his wounds like any other dog. But then he had spied a couple of Gryffindors -- Weasleys by the look of their hair -- coming out of the Great Hall and talking quietly together. When he had caught the word, 'Harry,' whispered from the younger one's lips, he had trailed behind the boys, all the way to Gryffindor Tower, staying hidden and yet listening to their conversation, just like the Auror he had once trained to be, with James, so many years ago now.

Obviously thinking they were alone while they walked, the two boys discussed Sirius' godson and how safe Harry was, 'from his murdering godfather,' now that the Weasley house was protected by Dumbledore. They only hoped the 'murderous traitor of those poor Potters' would be caught by the holidays, as they were looking forward to seeing Harry over Christmas break, assuming he would visit with the Weasleys, even if the boy was living with 'his father' all the time now. The older one -- Bill, Padfoot remembered from years ago -- even said he hoped 'Professor Snape' would return for second term, as he was the best Potions teacher they'd had yet at Hogwarts, even if he was a bit brusque.

'Brusque!' the younger boy, likely a Fourth Year, echoed with a laugh. 'That's putting it mild.'

Bill smirked. 'He's a whiz at Potions, though.' The smirk turning into a lopsided smile, he added, 'But I figure you can forgive a man a bit of brusque, when it's obvious how much he loves Harry.'

The younger boy had shrugged but nodded, and the two of them had climbed through the portrait, leaving Sirius shaking with anger in the corridor behind them.

How dare Dumbledore let that sniveling snake get his greasy hands on Harry! Sirius fumed. James must be rolling in his grave!

It had not taken much more sneaking about Hogwarts to learn that Snape was living in the same place as where he'd grown up, which was coincidentally in the same town that Lily was from, before they'd each started at Hogwarts. And Sirius knew exactly where that was!

Shortly before her parents had been murdered by You-Know-Who, Lily and James had been walking together in her parents' neighborhood during the holidays, and she had pointed out to James the playground where she had met 'young Severus,' as she called him, also mentioning how odd things had turned out for the two of them, once they'd been sorted into different Houses. She had even told James about the house Snivellus had lived in! As if she had been there! As if James would care one tiny bit!

Of course, unable to hide his jealousy, James had told Sirius all about this conversation, and Sirius had naturally assured him that he nothing to worry about from Lily -- she knew what a horrible snake Snape was, and it was obvious she adored James. For his best friend's sake, and to pay Snivellus back for all he had done to Lily (and James) over the years, but especially for James' unwarranted envy of that slimy git, Sirius had paid a visit to Snivellus' house.

Almost ten years ago now, Sirius had stood on the cobble stoned street and stared at this same tired, tiny 2- up, 2-down on Spinner's End, the back yard garden of which he was now lurking in as Padfoot. Ten years ago, Sirius had been filled with righteous vengeance on behalf of his best friend's fiancee against that hateful wanker. With a few well placed spells, and never having to enter the house, Sirius had broken every window, mirror and odd piece of glass in Snivellus' house, then filled the front sitting room with Thestral dung. In was the least that slimy snake deserved for making James doubt Lily's intentions.

And now, watching as Snivellus guarded Harry and treated the poor little boy like a slave, Sirius wished he had gone with his gut and set Fiendfyre loose inside this place ten years ago. But he would destroy Snivellus tonight, oh yes, just as the Slytherin snake was set on destroying James' son. It was obvious Harry was being starved -- he was little more than skin and bones, and no larger than an average four-year-old, when he was seven! And, from the way he was working without stopping, without complaints, it was just as obvious that he was used to chores like this: weeding, planting beds, mulching and the like. House elf work.

The longer he watched, the harder it was to stay still and not rescue his godson right now. But Padfoot was nothing if not patient. Azkaban had taught him that.

Suddenly, the snake came to his feet. Padfoot lay perfectly still, not wanting to draw his attention, but ready to intervene if Snivellus dared to put a hand on his godson. He would rip the ugly git's throat out if he came any closer to the boy.

'Harry,' the greasy-haired man called, and the boy looked over at Snivellus, coming to his feet immediately with the trowel gripped tight in his little hand, as if he had been trained to obey every word, as soon as his captor said it. 'Come along now. It's time for lunch.'

'Yes, Father,' Harry said with a nod, and without pause, trotted over to Snivellus.

Unable to keep from growling at the name Harry used for the greasy git, Padfoot kept the sound as soft as he could, but it was almost too much for him. How had the evil bastard convinced Harry to call him that? What else had he forced Harry to do since he had kidnapped him from the Dursleys?

Padfoot tensed as Snivellus reached out a hand, but he only touched the top of Harry's head to guide him into the house, and did not strike him as Padfoot thought he would. Lucky bastard, Padfoot thought. He would have leaped for the beast's throat if he'd hurt Harry in front of him, Harry's sensibilities be damned.

As the two went up the couple steps to the backdoor and inside the house, Padfoot settled on his haunches in the dirt with a light sigh. He could hardly wait till tonight. He would get his godson out of this slimy git's clutches, and Harry would be safe once more, with him.

And Snivellus would not be able to come after Harry again. This time, Sirius would take him down as he should have done, ten years ago. This time, Sirius would not leave him alive.


A/N: Thanks for all who read and review, and thanks, especially, for all those who have wished me well of late. Sorry this chapter has been so long in coming. I hope to have more time and energy to write now that I'm out of work for the summer. Pink lemonade and chocolate fudge brownies for everyone!

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