they were so clever to make Pettigrew the Secret Keeper, picking the one man of their foursome whom no one would suspect could trusted with the whereabouts of the Potters and Harry. He recalled, too, the swiftness with which Black was incarcerated, without benefit of a trial and only the forefinger of Pettigrew as evidence the fourth Marauder was dead.

At the time, Black's treatment was the only ray of sunshine in the agonizing horror of the darkest place in which Severus had ever been, with his only love dead, at least partially due to his own actions. He wanted someone to blame. As did everyone in the Wizard community. They had called for blood, and went after Black with a sanguinary fury.

But the moment passed. Severus could never trust Black with Harry, could never trust him to be near his son. He would ward Spinner's End, and ward everywhere else he could against scrying and against Black in every form he could imagine: Grim, human, invisible, everything. He would--

He was interrupted by the voice of Dumbledore, coming from his fireplace.


After he had invited the elderly wizard into his home, and served him tea -- Oh, the irony! -- he pressed Dumbledore for news.

'I have been able to secure Sirius Black at St. Mungo's,' Dumbledore said, in far to calm a voice.

'What?!' Severus snarled, then immediately lowered his voice so as not to frighten Harry more; he had wanted Harry to stay in his room whilst he spoke to the Headmaster, but Harry did not want to leave his side, and in fact was still sitting in his lap. He could not blame the boy for clinging to him. 'He's not at Azkaban? He did kidnap Harry, recall.'

Dumbledore's mouth turned down. 'His placement is pending a trial, my boy. He will have a chance, this time, to defend himself -- if he is able -- perhaps with the help of my pensieve in addition to Veritaserum.' Dumbledore raised his hand to stave off another of Severus' rants. 'I understand your fears, Severus. And, too, I understand the ill will you bear for Sirius, but--'

'He bears even more for me,' Severus interrupted, but Dumbledore did not stop speaking, just raised his eyebrows in silent admonishment.

'But he has already spent six years in Azkaban for a crime he may not have committed, an imprisonment which I, for one, pressed for greatly amongst my fellows at the Wizengamot. Please allow an old man to rectify his mistakes.'

That took the bite out of Severus' retort. Dumbledore admitting a mistake happened with the frequency of Halley's Comet passing earth. Still, he had a few arguments left. He put a protective arm around Harry's waist, but Harry was already tense. 'I don't want him near my son.'

'Now, do not be too hasty, my boy.'

'Hasty? Are you attempting a joke, Albus? I tell you, I am not in the mood for levity.'

'Not at all. I simply think that perhaps Harry should have some say in whether he wants to see his godfather.'

'Black is not Harry's godfather!'

'That may not be the truth. Please understand--'

'There is nothing to understand,' Severus hissed. 'James had no right to assign Black to that role.'

'But he did,' Albus said, folding his hands together on his lap. There were high points of color on his cheeks, a rarity all its own. He nodded toward Harry. 'Though he is your son, Harry was born into an existing marriage. Technically--'

'Technically,' Severus snorted, gripping Harry tighter to himself, and Harry clung to him, in turn.

'Technically,' Albus repeated, 'at the time, Harry was Lily and James' son, until you stepped forward and claimed paternity. Thus, at the time, James had the right to make Sirius Black Harry's godfather. Despite the fact that you have custody now, and have every right to it, at the time of Harry's birth, James had the legal right to be called Harry's father and to name who he wished as godfather.'

'By whose laws?'

'The Wizengamot, I'm afraid. The Wizarding Paternity Statute of 1837. Since Lily was legally married to--'

'Enough,' Severus interrupted. 'Enough. I understand.' He knew Harry did not, but he would explain it to his son as best he could, if he could ever get past the sinking feeling in his chest.

'It has not been an issue previously, of course, because Sirius has been incarcerated ever since the Potters died. But now that he will likely be freed -- or at least will have the chance to prove his innocence -- he does have certain rights.'

Turning his face away, Severus covered his eyes and much of his expression with his hair, one of his favored methods of hiding when he did not want anyone to know what he was thinking. Harry could see him, of course, but he had vowed some time ago never to hide from his son. The boy's green eyes were troubled, wary. Severus took a breath. 'Very well.'

'You will allow him to see Harry?'

Still holding his son's gaze, he said, 'No. I will allow Harry to decide.'

To Be Continued . . .

Author's Note: For all who read and review, a heartfelt thanks and super snuggly hugs from Li'l Harry for you! This story is nearly done. One more chapter, I think. I will begin Part Three soon thereafter.

*Chapter 24*: Chapter 24 & Epilogue

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